The Moneris Mosaic features Tara Tehrani

The Moneris Mosaic features Tara Tehrani

September 19, 2024 By: Moneris Team Calculating time...

In this feature of The Moneris Mosaic we shine a spotlight on Tara Tehrani (She/her). 

The Moneris Mosaic features Tara Tehrani 

Tara’s journey at Moneris is a testament to the power of resilience, adaptability, and the importance of an inclusive workplace. Tara began her professional career in purchasing in her home country, Iran. When she moved to Canada, she joined Moneris with the intention of it being a temporary role until she found a job more closely aligned with her past experience. Her positive experiences at Moneris led her to stay and grow with the company, ultimately becoming a Sales Leader and a multiple President’s Club winner. As a boomerang employee, Tara’s commitment to Moneris has only deepened, and now, in her leadership role, she prioritizes creating a team that reflects the same diverse and inclusive values that initially drew her to the company. Her story is one of dedication, growth, and a deep appreciation for the opportunities that Moneris has provided her. 

This month, Samira Ghasemi from The Moneris Mosaic team sat down with Tara Tehrani to learn more about her story. Read on to discover how Tara’s experiences as an immigrant woman shaped her career and influenced her approach to leadership at Moneris. 


The Moneris Mosaic features Tara Tehrani

Samira: We really appreciate you being here with us today and sharing your experiences with us. To start from the beginning, we would love to hear about how your experience as an immigrant woman has shaped your career at Moneris. Specifically, what aspects of the company culture made you feel most included and valued? 

Tara: Moneris was my first employer when I moved to Canada 17 years ago. For someone who was born and raised outside of Canada, starting to work for a Canadian company within the first month of immigration can be a challenge and cultural shock. I’m talking about 17 years ago when social media wasn’t as prevalent, and it was easy to feel like you needed to change to fit into a new environment. But for me, I never felt that way. Moneris not only accepts this diversity but celebrates it as well. That’s the beautiful part of Moneris that made me feel included and valued. 

Samira: That's wonderful to hear! It's clear that Moneris' inclusive, welcoming, and open environment made a significant impact on your experience. I know you left Moneris for a while and then came back; this is what is known in industry as a "boomerang employee"*. What specifically drew you back to Moneris? 

Tara: What drew me back to Moneris was definitely the culture of belonging that I've always cherished here. Knowing that Moneris would welcome me back and allow me to continue growing both personally and professionally made it an easy decision to return. 

Samira: It’s always great to see how a positive company culture can make such a difference. Now, let’s talk about your role as a leader. How do you ensure that your team reflects the diversity and inclusive values of Moneris, and why is this important to you? 

Tara: I value people's experience with all different backgrounds, and I do not necessarily ask for Canadian work experience; I know so many talented immigrants who had to start from scratch just because they didn’t have Canadian experience. I believe I include more people with the right vision and mentality in my team, and we all know that we live in a diverse country and diverse community, and to be truly successful, it’s essential to have a team that reflects that diversity. I believe it helps us connect more effectively with a varied client base, which results in stronger relationships with our merchants. 

Samira: That’s a great perspective, Tara. Now, as a leader who has navigated various challenges and opportunities throughout your career, what advice would you give to other immigrant women or newcomers entering the Canadian workforce? 

Tara: My advice to immigrant women and newcomers is to embrace your unique perspective and experiences. Diversity is a strength, and your background brings fresh insight that can add value to any organization. It’s very important to be confident in your abilities, even if you are in a different work environment at first. Network with others, seek out mentors in your area, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Many companies, including Moneris, value inclusion, so focus on continuous learning. Most importantly, stay resilient. There will be challenges along the way, but believing in yourself will help you thrive. 

Samira: Thank you so much for being here with us today and sharing your incredible journey. Your story as an immigrant woman at Moneris showcases the power of inclusion and how it has helped shape your career path—from starting in a temporary role to becoming a Sales Leader and multiple President’s Club winner, to returning as a 'boomerang employee' , your story highlights how much Moneris’ culture of belonging means to you. We also learned how your leadership approach, focused on diversity and inclusion, strengthens both your team and client relationships. It was a pleasure chatting with you, and we are grateful for the insights and lessons you shared! 

Tara: I appreciate the chance to share my story. 

  * A boomerang employee is a person who leaves the company and then returns to the same company at a later time, to work in the same or a new role. 

The Moneris Mosaic features Tara Tehrani

About The Moneris Mosaic

The Moneris Mosaic is an employee spotlight program that celebrates the stories of the people who make Moneris truly special. Just like a beautiful mosaic, this program brings together a variety of unique and colorful stories, coming together to create one inspiring image of our Moneris team.

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Check back here next month when we feature another Moneris employee on The Moneris Mosaic!


Article filed under:

corporate culture


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Moneris Team

Moneris is a leading provider of payment processing solutions in Canada. Our blog is your go-to resource for insights into the ever-evolving world of payments. We cover everything from the latest industry trends and technologies to practical advice for businesses of all sizes. Our blog's mission is to spotlight small businesses and provide resources that help them succeed in today's economy. Blog articles are written by members of Moneris' in-house marketing team with support from internal product and industry experts.

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