What is a chargeback?

A chargeback is an adjustment to a merchant's account from a previous sales transaction. The reasons for chargebacks can be due to errors made by the merchant in the submission of their credit card transactions, non-authorized transactions and disputes from cardholders. When this occurs, Moneris will send the merchant a "Sales Draft Request" or "Chargeback Notification", which asks for a copy of the receipt or other required documentation as proof that the cardholder authorized the sale. When you receive these notices, please respond to them within the timeframe indicated on the notice.

If you receive a chargeback or copy request, there is no need to fax or mail anything. Simply log in to your Merchant Direct account and go to the Outstanding Chargebacks or Outstanding Copy Request Report to view the dispute details, upload documents, and/or accept the dispute.

MasterCard Chargeback Reason Codes & Remedies

  • Description 
    The merchant completed a transaction without obtaining an authorization code or did not perform an account number verification on the card.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • A copy of the transaction receipt and corresponding invoice if applicable. 
    • Proof the transaction received a valid authorization approval code. 
    • For vehicle rentals, lodging and cruise line transactions provide the rental agreement, registration folio or cruise line documents showing the date the cardholder checked out or returned the vehicle. Additionally provide a history of all authorizations obtained.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant completed the transaction without: 
    -    Obtaining a valid authorization for the transaction amount on the transaction date. 
    -    Or the authorization request was declined and the merchant completed the transaction.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A copy of the transaction receipt and corresponding invoice if applicable. 
    • Proof the transaction received a valid authorization approval code. 
    • A copy of the transaction receipt or invoice if applicable proving the transaction was processed in the required time frame.
    • For vehicle rentals, lodging, and cruise line transactions provide the rental agreement, registration folio or cruise line documents showing the date the cardholder checked out or returned the vehicle. Additionally, provide a history of all authorizations obtained.
    • For a transit transaction, provide a report of the history of the taps received from the transit readers. The report should include the transportation mode, date, details of each journey including start and end time and final transaction"
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction with an account number that does not match any account number on the issuer’s file.

    Chargeback Remedies

    • A copy of the transaction receipt and corresponding invoice if applicable. 
    • Proof the transaction received a valid authorization approval code 
    • For vehicle rentals, lodging and cruise line transactions provide the rental agreement, registration folio or cruise line documents showing the date the cardholder checked out or returned the vehicle. Additionally provide a history of all authorizations obtained.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction that resulted in an incorrect charge to the cardholder for one of the following reasons: 
    The transaction amount billed to the cardholder was different from the amount printed on the transaction receipt. 
    -   The transaction amount was increased without the cardholder’s permission. 

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge.
    • A legible copy of the transaction receipt or invoice proving the transaction amount was processed correctly. 
    • Proof that substantiates the cardholder is responsible for the disputed amount. 
    • Documentation showing that the cardholder's other form of payment was not related to the disputed charge.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The cardholder challenges the validity of a transaction claiming a processing error has occurred. 

    The reason code 4834 is valid for the following reasons: 
    -   Duplicate processing 
    -   The cardholder paid twice for the same transaction using two different forms of payment
    -   The cardholder was billed an incorrect amount 
    -    Late presentment (transaction was not posted within the required time frame) 
    -   The cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service.
    -   The cardholder was not given the opportunity to choose the desired currency for the transaction 
    -   Correct transaction currency code was not provided 

    Chargeback Remedies

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge
    • A Legible transaction receipts to prove the cardholder participated in two separate transactions.
    • A legible copy of the transaction receipt or invoice proving the transaction amount was processed correctly.
    • Proof to support the increased amount represents amended charges.
    • For an addendum charge, proof of a separate card present transaction with the applicable cardholder verification method or a fully authenticated Mastercard Identity CheckTM ecommerce transaction. Additionally provide proof the cardholder participated in the original transaction.
    • Copy of the transaction receipt or invoice if applicable proving the transaction was processed the required time frame.
    • For an ecommerce transaction, provide “Proper Disclosure,” proof the specific terms were provided to the cardholder and the cardholder accepted the terms by electronic means such as a check box or “submit” button
    • For a card present transaction; provide 'Proper Disclosure', proof of the specific terms of transaction printed on the receipt indicating the customer was aware of the disclosure before the transaction was completed.
    • Proof that the correct currency was specified on the transaction receipt and accepted by the cardholder.
    • Documentation showing that the cardholder's other form of payment was not related to the Disputed Charge.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction that was identified as fraudulent; the cardholder claims that he or she did not authorize or engage in the transaction.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge.
    • Legible copy of the transaction receipt proving an electronic imprint of the card and PIN as the cardholder verification method.
    • For vehicle rentals, lodging and cruise line transactions provide the rental agreement, registration folio or cruise line documents showing the date the cardholder checked out or returned the vehicle. Additionally, provide a history of all authorizations obtained.
    • Proof that substantiates the transaction was a result of a Guarantee "no-show".
    • For ecommerce and mail order/telephone order (MOTO) transactions, compelling evidence the cardholder participated in the transaction such as email communication, letters, or other correspondence exchanged between the cardholder and the merchant, and the cardholder has received the goods or services. 
    • Evidence to prove that an attempt to authenticate the cardholder using Mastercard Identity Check.
    • For an addendum charge, proof of a separate card present transaction with the applicable cardholder verification method or a fully authenticated Mastercard Identity Check ecommerce transaction. Additionally provide proof the cardholder participated in the original transaction
    • For a transit transaction, provide a report of the history of the taps received from the transit readers. This report should include the transportation mode, date, details of each journey including start and end time and final transaction amount.
    • Provide evidence the cardholder is a “registered” online user on your website. Evidence may be data collected such as an IP address, device type, or date and time that links the customer to the transaction and resolves the dispute
    • For a passenger transport transaction, evidence that services were provided and any of the following types of evidence:
      -   Proof that the ticket was received at the cardholder's billing address.
      -   Evidence that the boarding pass was scanned at the gate.
      -   Details of frequent flyer miles relating to the disputed transaction that were earned or redeemed,  including address and telephone number that establish a link to the cardholder.  
      -   Evidence of additional transactions related to the original transaction, such as a purchase of seat upgrades, payment for extra baggage or purchases made on board the aircraft.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant continues to bill the cardholder’s account for a recurring transaction after cancellation notice was received.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge.
    • Evidence the charge was processed to cardholder’s account after services have been provided and that the cardholder received services until the cancellation date.
    • For recurring transactions; provide 'Proper Disclosure', proof the cardholder accepted the specific terms for recurring separately from other terms such as a check box or 'submit' button.
    • For digital goods, evidence to prove that adequate purchase control settings were offered to the cardholder at the time of the transaction or transactions.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant submitted a transaction that is past the time frame allowed for processing.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • Legible copy of the transaction receipt or invoice if applicable, proving the transaction was processed within the required time frame. 
    • For car rentals, hotels, and cruise line transactions copies of the transaction information document showing valid dates when the cardholder checked out or returned the vehicle and the transaction was processed within the required time frame. 
    • For a transit transaction, provide a report of the history of the taps received from the transit readers. This report should include the transportation mode, date, details of each journey including start and end time and final transaction amount.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued.
  • Description
    The merchant processed the transaction incorrectly which resulted in an incorrect charge to the cardholder for one of the following reasons: 
    -   The transaction was processed in a currency code that was not the same as the currency of the transaction. 
    -   The cardholder was not allowed the choice of paying in the desired currency or did not agree to the transaction currency in which the transaction was processed. 

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge.
    • A Legible copy of the transaction receipt or invoice. 
    • Proof that the correct currency was specified on the transaction receipt and accepted by the cardholder 
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction that was identified as fraud by the card association monitoring program.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The cardholder challenges the validity of a transaction and is disputing for one of the following reasons: 
    -   The merchant shipped merchandise or provided services that did not match the description provided to the cardholder. 
    -   The cardholder received merchandise or service that was defective or damaged and could not be used for the intended purpose. 
    -   The cardholder disputes the quality of the work performed by merchant and stated the merchant failed to address the claim. 
    -   The cardholder received counterfeit goods. 
    -   Cancelled Recurring and digital goods transactions. 
    -   Goods or services not provided. 
    -   Addendum and No-show. 
    -   Credit not processed.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation along with a copy of the transaction receipt or invoice
    • Provide a detailed explanation of the work performed and supply all documents to support the work was performed as described. 
    • Proof that the damaged/defective merchandise was replaced or repaired. 
    • An explanation outlining the reason the goods were not delivered or the service was not rendered. 
    • Copy of the courier receipt with the authorized signature proving the goods were delivered to the cardholder or the authorized person. 
    • For an ecommerce transaction, provide “Proper Disclosure,” proof the specific terms were provided to the cardholder and the cardholder accepted the terms by electronic means such as a check box or ‘submit’ button. 
    • For a card present transaction, provide “Proper Disclosure,” proof of the specific terms of transaction printed on the receipt indicating the customer was aware of the disclosure before the transaction was completed.
    • For recurring transactions; provide 'Proper Disclosure', proof the cardholder accepted the specific terms for recurring separately from other terms such as a check box or 'submit' button.
    • Evidence the charge was processed to cardholder’s account after services have been provided and that the cardholder received services until the cancellation date
    • Proof that the airline tickets were used by the cardholder. 
    • Documentation to prove the goods were not counterfeit.
    • For an addendum charge, proof of a separate card present transaction with the applicable cardholder verification method or a fully authenticated Mastercard Identity Check ecommerce transaction. Additionally provide proof the cardholder participated in the original transaction
    • Evidence to prove the online transaction was successful and the cardholder was correctly charged. 
    • For a no-show charge, proof that the cardholder was advised of the cancellation policy
    • Transaction receipt proving the transaction represents a retail sale instead of a credit. 
    • Compelling evidence that the refund was provided to the cardholder by a means other than a credit to the card. (Evidence include a cash receipt, bank transfer, a cheque, in-store credit or a prepaid card).
    • Evidence to prove there is no available balance or the cardholder was locked out of the account
    • Supporting documents that directly address the cardholder's claim along with evidence the digital assets or monetary value was deposited.
    • Evidence to prove that adequate purchase control settings were offered to the cardholder at the time of the transaction or transactions
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued. 
  • Description
    The cardholder or authorized person did not receive the goods that was to be delivered by the expected delivery date or services were not rendered by the merchant

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge. 
    • Copy of the courier receipt with the authorized signature proving the goods were delivered to the cardholder or the authorized person. 
    • Proof that the airline tickets were used by the cardholder. 
    • Proof that services were rendered; a signed copy of an order form detailing the services rendered. 
    • Evidence to prove the online transaction was successful and the cardholder was correctly charged
    • Supporting documents that directly address the cardholder's claim along with evidence the digital assets or monetary value was deposited.
    • Evidence to prove there is no available balance or the cardholder was locked out of the account
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued. 
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction to the cardholder’s account for one of the following reasons: 
    -   The charge represents a “No-Show” transaction. 
    -   The charge represents an addendum relating to a valid vehicle rental contract or hotel transaction

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge. 
    • For a No-Show charge, proof that the cardholder was advised of the cancellation policy. 
    • Provide proof the cardholder used the accommodations.
    • For an addendum charge, proof of a separate card present transaction with the applicable cardholder verification method or a fully authenticated Mastercard Identity Check ecommerce transaction. Additionally provide proof the cardholder participated in the original transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued. 
  • Description
    The credit expected from the merchant was not received in one of the following situations: 
    -   The merchant did not disclose its refund policy at the time of the transaction and is unwilling to accept a return or cancellation of goods or services.
    -   The merchant agrees to cancel the sale of merchandise that the cardholder did not take possession. 
    -   A refund was processed as a purchase transaction

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge.
    • For a card present transaction; provide 'Proper Disclosure', proof of the specific terms of transaction printed on the receipt indicating the customer was aware of the disclosure before the transaction was completed.
    • For a card present transaction; provide 'Proper Disclosure', proof of the specific terms of transaction printed on the receipt indicating the customer was aware of the disclosure before the transaction was completed.
    • Copy of the transaction receipt proving the transaction represents a retail sale instead of a credit
    • Cardholder's notification proving the Timeshare Contract was not cancelled within 14 days of the contract date. 
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued. 
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction with a chip card, terminal was not Chip compliant and the transaction was identified as fraud by the cardholder.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued. 
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction with a chip and PIN preferring card, but the terminal was not chip and PIN compliant and the transaction was identified as fraud by the cardholder.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued. 

Visa Chargeback Reason Codes & Remedies

  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction with a chip card, terminal was not Chip compliant and the transaction was identified as fraud by the cardholder

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued. 
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction with a chip and PIN preferring card, but the terminal was not chip and PIN compliant and the transaction was identified as fraud by the cardholder

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence that the cardholder no longer disputes the transaction.
  • Description
    The transaction was key-enter transaction was processed in a card present environment. The cardholder denies authorization of, or participation in the transaction."

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • Legible copy of the transaction receipt proving an electronic imprint of the card and PIN as the cardholder verification method.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • For a delayed transaction relating to vehicle rental or lodging; supply evidence that the transaction relates to a prior stay, trip or rental period and evidence that an electronic imprint was obtained during the same stay, trip or rental period.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued. 
  • Description
    The transaction was completed in a card absent environment. The cardholder denies participation in the transaction.  

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as: 

    • A letter of explanation to substantiate the validity of the charge
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Evidence to prove that an attempt to authenticate the cardholder using Visa Secure.
    • Evidence, such as photographs or emails, to prove a link between the person receiving the merchandise or services and the cardholder, or to prove that the cardholder disputing the transaction is in possession of the merchandise / services.
    • For a Card-Absent Environment transaction in which the merchandise is collected from the Merchant location, any of the following:
      -     Cardholder signature on the pick-up form.
      -     Details of identification presented by the Cardholder."
    • For an e-commerce transaction representing the sale of digital goods downloaded from a merchant's website or application, description of the goods or services successfully downloaded, the date and time such goods or services were downloaded, and two or more of the following:
      -    Purchaser's IP address and the device's geographical location at the date and time of the transaction.
      -    Device ID number and name (if available).
      -    Purchaser's name and email address linked to the customer profile on record with the merchant.
      -    Evidence that the profile set up by the purchaser on the merchant's website or application was accessed by the  the cardholder and successfully verified by the merchant before the transaction date. 
      -   Proof that the merchant's website or application was accessed by the cardholder for goods or services on or after the transaction date. 
      -   Evidence that the device and card used in the disputed transaction were the same as in any previous, undisputed transactions.
    • For a transaction in which merchandise was delivered to a business address, evidence that the merchandise was delivered and that, at the time of delivery, the cardholder was employed or is working for the company at the address. A signature is not required as evidence of delivery.
    • For a mail order/telephone order transaction, a signed order form.
    • For a passenger transport transaction, evidence that services were provided and any of the following types of evidence:
      -  Proof that the ticket was received at the cardholder's billing address.
      -  Evidence that the boarding pass was scanned at the gate.
      -  Details of frequent flyer miles relating to the disputed transaction that were earned or redeemed, including address and telephone number that establish a link to the cardholder.  
      - Evidence of additional transactions related to the original transaction, such as a purchase of seat upgrades, payment for extra baggage or purchases made on board the aircraft"
    • For a travel and entertainment transaction, evidence that the services were provided, and either of the following:
      -      Details of loyalty program rewards earned and/or redeemed, including an address and telephone number that establish a link to the cardholder.
      -      Evidence of the following additional transactions related to the original transaction that were not disputed: Purchase of room / vehicle upgrades or purchases made throughout the hotel stay / vehicle rental.
    • Evidence of one or more undisputed payments for the same merchandise or service.
    • For a recurring transaction, all of the following:
      -     Evidence of a legally binding contract held between the merchant and the cardholder.
      -     Proof the cardholder is using the merchandise or services.
      -     Evidence of a previous, undisputed transaction."
    • Evidence that the Transaction was completed by a member of the Cardholder's household or family.
    • For a virtual Card Transaction at a Lodging Merchant, evidence of the Issuer’s payment instruction sent through Visa Payables Automation, containing all of the following:
      -   Issuer statement confirming approved use of the Card at the Lodging Merchant
      -   Payment Credential
      -   Guest name
      -   Name of the company (requestor) and either their phone number, fax number, or email address"
    • For a card absent transaction, provide the following:
      -   Two historical undisputed card not present transactions for the same card number that were settled between 120-365 calendar days prior to the dispute processing date.
      -   Two or more of following elements must match between the historical transactions and disputed transaction. One of the elements must be either IP address or Device ID.
    • Customer account or logon ID
    • Delivery Address
    • Device ID/device fingerprint
    • Email address
    • IP address
    • Telephone number
    • An invoice or receipt with the description of the disputed and undisputed transactions.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction that was identified as Fraud by the card brand Fraud Monitoring Program.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Evidence that the cardholder no longer disputes the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The transaction was completed without obtaining an authorization or an account number verification was not performed on the card.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Proof that the transaction was authorized.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant completed the transaction after the Authorization Request was declined or the card received a Pickup Response.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Proof that the transaction was authorized
    • For vehicle rentals, lodging and cruise line transactions provide the rental agreement, registration folio or cruise line documents showing the date the cardholder checked out or returned the vehicle. Additionally provide a history of all authorizations obtained.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • For a transit transaction, provide a report of the history of the taps received from the transit readers. The report should include the transportation mode, date, details of each journey including start and end time and final transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant completed a transaction without obtaining authorization for the transaction on the date specified for merchant authorization requirements.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Proof that the transaction was authorized
    • For vehicle rentals, lodging and cruise line transactions provide the rental agreement, registration folio or cruise line documents showing the date the cardholder checked out or returned the vehicle. Additionally provide a history of all authorizations obtained.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • For a transit transaction, provide a report of the history of the taps received from the transit readers. The report should include the transportation mode, date, details of each journey including start and end time and final transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction past the time limit allowed and the card account number was not in good standing on the chargeback processing date

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Transaction receipt or other documentation proving the transaction was processed within the required time limit.
    • For vehicle rentals, lodging and cruise line transactions provide the rental agreement, registration folio or cruise line documents showing the date the cardholder checked out or returned the vehicle. Additionally provide a history of all authorizations obtained.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a credit transaction as a debit or a debit transaction was processed as a credit.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • A copy of transaction receipt.
    • Evidence that proves the transaction code was correct.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Evidence to prove that a reversal took place.
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The transaction was processed with an incorrect currency. Dynamic Currency Conversion occurred and the cardholder did not agree or did not make an active choice

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • A copy of transaction receipt.
    • Evidence that transaction was processed correctly.
    • Evidence that the cardholder actively chose DCC, such as a copy of the transaction receipt showing a checked "accept" box.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction with an incorrect account number.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • A copy of transaction receipt.
    • Proof the transaction received a valid authorization approval code
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The transaction was processed with an incorrect amount resulting from an addition or a transposition error.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Transaction receipt or other documentation demonstrating the transaction amount was correct.
    • Documents to prove receipt was not altered.
    • Documents to prove the Cardholder agreed to the altered amount.
    • For a transit transaction, provide a report of the history of the taps received from the transit readers. This report should include the transportation mode, date, details of each journey including start and end time and final transaction amount
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    A transaction was processed more than once to the card account number and the cardholder is accepting only one of the transaction

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Transaction receipts to prove separate transactions were processed.
    • For a transit transaction, provide a report of the history of the taps received from the transit readers. This report should include the transportation mode, date, details of each journey including start and end time and final transaction amount
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant received payment from the cardholder for a transaction by another payment method.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Evidence payment was not received by other method
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued.
  • Description
    The merchant obtained authorization for the transaction using invalid or incorrect data.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Evidence the authorization request was processed with the correct data.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The cardholder or person authorized by the cardholder did not receive the merchandise or service because the merchant was unable to provide the merchandise or service."

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Copy of courier tracking receipt/recipient's signature.
    • Itemized invoice of merchandise or services that were rendered.
    • Provide documentation to prove that the cardholder or authorized person received the merchandise or services as agreed.
    • For an airline transaction, evidence that the name included in the flight manifest for the departed flight matches the name provided on the purchase itinerary.
    • Provide documentation to support you were able to provide merchandise or service and that the cardholder cancelled prior to the delivery date.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction to the cardholder’s account after cancellation notice was received. 

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Evidence the charge was processed to Cardholder after services have been provided and that the Cardholder received services until the cancellation date.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The cardholder is disputing the charge for one of the following reasons:  
    -   The merchant shipped merchandise or provided services that did not match the description provided to the cardholder. 
    -   The cardholder received merchandise or service that was defective or damaged and could not be used for the intended purpose. 
    -   The cardholder disputes the quality of the work performed by merchant and stated the merchant failed to address the claim. 

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Provide a letter of explanation in response to the cardholder's claim.
    • Provide a detailed explanation of the work performed and supply all documents to support the work was performed as described.
    • Provide all communication exchanged between your company and the cardholder such as emails, text messages and photographs.
    • Provide a neutral third party opinion when possible to support dispute case.
    • Documentation to prove the merchandise matched what was described
    • Proof that the merchandise was not damaged or defective.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant processed a transaction that was identified as counterfeit by the owner of the intellectual property rights or representative or customs agency, law enforcement agency, other government agency or a neutral third party expert.

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Provide a letter of explanation in response to the cardholder's claim.
    • Documentation to prove the merchandise was not counterfeit; including certification from a neutral bona fide expert.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The cardholder claims the terms of sale was misrepresented by the merchant

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Provide a letter of explanation in response to the cardholder's claim.
    • Documentation to prove the terms of the sale to which the cardholder agreed were not misrepresented or for investments evidence that there are no funds to withdraw
    • Evidence of a contract with terms proving the cardholder expressly agreed to the recurring or subscription agreement.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The merchant provided a credit transaction receipt to the cardholder   but did not process the credit or void the transaction.  

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The cardholder returned merchandise or cancelled merchandise or services, cancelled a timeshare transaction or cancelled a guaranteed reservation. The merchant did not issue a credit, or properly disclose or did disclose, but did not apply a limited return or cancellation policy at the time of the transaction. 

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Provide a letter of explanation in response to the cardholder's claim.
    • The Transaction Receipt or other records to prove that the return or cancellation policy was disclosed at the time of the Transaction.
    • Evidence to demonstrate that the Cardholder received cancellation or return policy and did not cancel according to the disclosed policy.
    • Cardholder's notification proving the Timeshare Contract was not cancelled within 14 days of contract date.
    • Provide evidence the cardholder continued to use services
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued
  • Description
    The recipient refused the original credit transaction, or the transaction was not allowed by the applicable regulations. 

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • There is no recourse for a dispute processed for an original credit transaction
  • Description
    The cardholder is disputing the transaction claiming the cash was not received or only a partial amount was received

    Chargeback Remedies
    Provide documentation to remedy the chargeback such as:

    • Transaction Log proving the funds disbursed.
    • Provide a letter or email from the cardholder that states they no longer dispute the transaction
    • Processing a refund to offset a purchase transaction, do not process a refund after a chargeback has been debited to your account. If a refund is processed notify Moneris by the response due date of the debit adjustment to recover the funds within the chargeback time frame.
    • Evidence to prove that a credit was issued