Overview of the Kitchen Display app
The Kitchen Display app displays orders taken on the Moneris Go Restaurant app (on a terminal or tablet) to kitchen staff preparing the food. You can set up multiple kitchen displays in a single kitchen, or multiple displays in multiple kitchens.

In this section, you will learn about:
- Setting the kitchen iPad into Kiosk Mode
- Signing in to the Kitchen Display app
- Signing out of the Kitchen Display app
- Understanding the elements of the Kitchen Display screen
- Configuring the Kitchen Display app
- Understanding how orders are received into the kitchen
- Setting up a kitchen printer (Your kitchen printer(s) will print order tickets with or without the KDS.)
- Understanding the tickets that print from the Kitchen Printer
- Viewing orders
- Completing orders
- Troubleshooting the Kitchen Display app and Kitchen printer
Before you begin
Before you begin using the Moneris Go Restaurant Kitchen Display app, please note the following:
- The Moneris Go Restaurant software standard fee includes unlimited tablet access to the Kitchen Display app. You can set up as many tablets as you please to use for Kitchen Display app.
- At any one time, only 1 tablet can display a kitchen station at a time. For example, you can have separate kitchen stations for grill, salad, and dessert. This will be a total of 3 stations, each station will have its own Kitchen Display. However, you cannot have two Kitchen Display logged into the “grill” station at the same time.
- The kitchen display app uses the Wi-Fi network in your establishment to communicate with other devices like the Moneris Go Restaurant app, printers, and the Moneris Go terminal.
Important considerations
Please note the following important information:
- The Kitchen Display tablets must be accessing the same router or network as the Kitchen Printers.
- The tablets you are using for the Kitchen Display app will need to be plugged in to a power source at all times, and will need to be configured so that they do not go to sleep or anything to disrupt their ability to display orders. For instructions to configure Apple iPads, refer to the Place the kitchen iPad into Kiosk Mode topic.
- Every time you sign out or close and reopen the Kitchen Display app, it clears the entries and you begin with a clean slate. This means that in-flight orders will not be visible when you sign in again. It is advisable to sign in to the Kitchen Display at the beginning of your work day and not close it until your business is closed for the night.
- The Kitchen Display app must be running in the foreground in order to print tickets from the kitchen printer. If the Kitchen Display app is running in the background and you are using the tablet to run other apps in the foreground, tickets will accumulate in the app digitally, but tickets will not print from the kitchen printer until the Kitchen Display app is running in the foreground again.
- The Kitchen Display keeps a running tally of all orders, and the Active, Modified, and Completed tabs are constantly updating in real time as orders come in to the kitchen, are worked on, and completed and go out to the guests.
- If you have multiple kitchens and multiple displays, you can only view one kitchen at a time per display. If you need to view another kitchen from a tablet that is already assigned to a kitchen, you will need to sign out and sign in again to select the different kitchen. Be aware that, as mentioned above, it will present you with a blank screen, so you will not see any previous orders that were placed before you logged in.
- The Kitchen Display app will time out after 15 minutes of inactivity. Each time the screen is touched for any action, the timer is reset.