"Yes, We Are Open" Season 3 Episode 2 - Matriarch

"Yes, We Are Open" Season 3 Episode 2 - Matriarch

October 11, 2022 By:

In this episode Al goes to Kitchener, Ontario to visit Ankush Raina, owner of Matriarch.

Ankush moved to Canada from India in 2018. His ultimate goal was to start his own business, something he’s been dreaming about since he was a teenager. Everything he’s done since arriving in Canada was with that goal in mind. He turned that intense focus into Matriarch, an online activewear brand. The name is a tribute to his grandmother.

But with limited experience in clothing manufacturing and an impending pandemic that would shut down all gyms for an indefinite period, would Ankush’s focus and work ethic be enough to pull Matriarch through?

Listen to find out.

Subscribe now to hear them as they publish each week!


You can learn more about Matriarch at thematriarch.ca

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podcast yes we are open podcast


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