Update Your User Account

It is possible to update your user account information in Merchant Direct, including: 

User Account screen allows you to view the user details.

There are two methods to access the User Account screen:

User account screen located at the bottom left corner is where you can access your profile to edit.

User account screen located at the top right corner is where you can access your profile to edit.


Update User Profile Information

Follow the instructions below to update your user profile information.  

Note:   Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

  1. In the User Account screen, in the User Profile section, click the Edit button. The User Profile popup appears. 

User profile popup allows you to enter you first name, last name, contact phone number and extension.

  1. Update your information as required:

  1. Click the Update button at the bottom of the popup. The User Account screen reappears. 


Update User Email Address

This email address is used for password resets and communications with you. Follow the instructions below to update the email address associated with your profile for Merchant Direct.

  1. In the User Account screen, under the User email address section, click the Edit button. The User email address popup appears. 

Update email address popup enables you to edit an existing email that was already created.

  1. Click inside the User email address field and enter the new email address you'd like to associate with your profile. 

  2. Click inside the Confirm email address field and re-enter the new email address. 

  3. Click the Update button at the bottom of the popup. The Verify Email Address popup appears. 

Verify email address popup appears to enter the verification code that was sent to the email address.


  1. Wait for the verification code to be sent to your email address. Once it arrives, enter the number into the field in the Verify Email Address popup, then click the Verify button. The popup closes and the User Account screen reappears. 


Update Mobile Phone Number

Follow the instructions below to update or add a mobile phone number to your profile. 

  1. In the User Account screen, under the Mobile phone number section, click the Edit button (or the Add new number button if you have not yet added a number to your account).  The Mobile phone number popup appears. 

Update mobile phone number popup allows you to enter a phone number.

  1. In the Mobile phone number field, enter the new mobile phone number you would like to associate with your profile. 

  2. Click the Update button at the bottom of the popup. The Verify Mobile Phone Number popup appears. 

    Verify mobile phone number popup appears to enter the verification code that was sent to the mobile number.

  3. Wait for the verification code to be sent to your mobile phone. Once it arrives via SMS text, enter the number into the field in the Verify Mobile Phone Number popup, then click the Verify button. The popup closes and the User Account screen reappears. 


Email Notifications

This email notifications are about setting email notifications for both chargebacks and copy requests. Follow the instructions below to update your email for notifications, set the language for the notifications and turn on or off the chargebacks and copy requests in your profile. 

  1. In the User Account screen, under the Email notifications section for Notification email address, click the Edit button. The Notification Settings popup appears.

Notification settings popup allows you to enter an email address you want to receive the notifications in.

  1. Click in the Notification email address field and enter an email address for receiving notifications.
  2. Click the Update button at the bottom of the popup. The Verify Email Address popup appears. 

Verify email address popup appears to enter the verification code that was sent to the email address.

  1. Wait for the verification code to be sent to your email address. Once it arrives, enter the number into the field in the Verify Email Address popup, then click the Verify button. The popup closes and the User Account screen reappears. 

Cardholder Dispute Notifications

You can set the preferred language to receive notifications as well as turn on or off the chargebacks and copy requests at any time.

  1. Go to the Email notifications section.

Email notifications section select the language you want to receive notification in. Then in chargebacks and copy requests, toggle buttons to turn on or off.

  1. In the Notification language section, choose English or French from the drop-down list
  2. In the Cardholder dispute notifications section for Chargeback(s) and Copy request(s), use the toggle buttons to turn the notifications on or off.

Note: Toggle button will be grey when it is selected off.


Self-serve options

Administrator users can update the settings for a basic user to enable or disable them to process refunds

  1. In the section Process refund and Update bank account, use the toggle buttons to turn the notifications on or off.

Self-serve options section enables your refund options.

Note:  Toggle button will be grey when it is selected off.

  1. Click Update to save the changes and return to the User Management page.
  2. Click Cancel to return to the User Management page.

Note:  The notification email address can either be the same as the user account email address (login email) or it can be set to a different email address.
Note:  Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 



Enable Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security on your personal logon. Follow the instructions below to enable two-factor authentication on your logon and set up the optional authenticator app.

Note:   The authenticator app is optional and provides an additional layer of security, but is not mandatory for two-factor authentication to be enabled. 

Note:   The authenticator app will need to be installed on a separate mobile device.   

Security screen allows you to change your password and turn on the two-factor authentication.

  1. In the User Account screen, click the Security tab on the left side of the screen. 
  2. In the Two-factor authentication section, click the Enable two-factor authentication toggle switch to toggle it to the right (ON). A Setup Authenticator App popup appears. 
    Setup authenticator app popup asks you to setup the authenticator.
  3. Do one of the following:
  1. Install an authenticator app on your mobile device. 
    Authenticator app setup popup shows the steps to take next and a QR code is displayed.
  2. Scan the QR code displayed in the Step 2 - Scan section on the Authenticator App Setup popup with your mobile device, or manually enter the code into the app. The authenticator app will generate a code. 
  3. Enter the code into the Step 3 - Verify section at the bottom of the Authenticator App Setup popup, then click the Verify button. 
  4. The User Account screen reappears and Two-factor authentication is now enabled. You will be prompted to do the two-factor authentication the next time you login.


Enable headers on CSV downloads

When exporting reports to CSV, or using the CSV downloader section for the SFTP reports, you can choose to have the header row included or excluded from the CSV file that is generated. The header row contains the report column headings, which help for readability when looking at a CSV file. However, some systems into which the CSV file is later imported do not require headers and only work with the data.  

Note:   CSV files automatically add padding spaces around the values when they are downloaded without headers, so keep this in mind when choosing this setting. 

Note:   Enabling or disabling this feature is applicable to all CSV files that Merchant Direct creates for the reports. 

To enable headers on CSV downloads:

  1. In the User Account screen, scroll down to the bottom of the screen. 
  2. In the Report options section, click the Include headers when downloading reports option so that it slides to the right. 
  3. When the "Include headers setting successfully updated" message appears, the headers are enabled.

To disable headers on CSV downloads:

  1. In the User Account screen, scroll down to the bottom of the screen. 
  2. In the Report options section, click the Include headers when downloading reports option so that it slides to the left. 
  3. When the "Include headers setting successfully updated" message appears, the headers are disabled.