Add a user

In order to use Moneris Go Retail, all users must have an account.  Individual user accounts allow the application to track which employee performed a transaction or other tasks.  

The access level of each user is based on the user role assigned to their user account.  Begin by reviewing the existing user roles and creating new user roles if required for your business.  Refer to User roles

To add a new user, follow these steps.

Users icon
  1. On the main menu, click Users.  The Users page appears. 
add user button
  1. Click Add user. The Add user panel appears.
add user panel
  1. In the Add user panel, complete each field. 
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Language.  Choose English or French.
  • User role.  Select one of the user roles.
  • Terminal access.You can disregard this option.  The terminal functions as a PINpad when placed in integrated mode and does not require a person to sign in.   
  • Portal access. Enable portal access and enter the user's email address. The level of access to the portal is determined by the user's role.  The user must use the same email address when signing up for the Go portal
  1. The Terminal access toggle controls access to the Moneris Go Retail app which can be downloaded and installed on the Moneris Go Plus terminal
    1. To allow this user to sign into the Go Retail app on the Go Plus terminal, click the toggle to enable access. 
    2. Enter a user name for this user.
    3. Enter a password. 
    4. Enter the password again to confirm it.  
  1. The Portal access toggle controls access to the Moneris Go Retail application in the Moneris Go portal. Note: Portal access is also required to process transactions on  the terminal app on the Go Plus terminal. 
    1. To allow this user to sign into the Go Retail app in the Moneris Go portal, Click the toggle to enable access.  This is required for all users.
    2. Enter the user's email address.  Go Retail will send an email message to the user to allow them to set up a password for the portal. 

The level of access to the portal is determined by the user's role.  The user must use the same email address when signing up for the Go portal.

add user
  1. Click Add user.  The Users page appears displaying the list of users, including the new user you created.  
  2. Inform the user that their account has been created and provide them with the account information for terminal access (if enabled) and portal access.