Add pizzas to a menu

Follow these instructions to add a pizza to a menu.  To add other menu items, refer to Add food to a menu

Important: Ensure you have created all categories before attempting to create the menu items. 

  1. On the portal’s main menu, click Menu
  2. On the Menu screen, click the category under which the pizza will go. For example, you may want to create a category called Pizza if you offer more than one type of pizza.   
  3. Click the Create new button in the top right corner. 
  4. From the list of options, click Pizzas.  The Menu panel appears with the Basic tab selected. 
Basic tabBasic tab showing customizations
  1. Click inside the Item Name field and enter the name of the pizza as you want it to appear on your menu (examples: Hawaiian, Greek, Canadian, Custom, Spinach, Meat-lovers, Mediterranean, etc). 
  2. Click inside the Price field and enter the default or base price for this menu item. 

Note:    Think about the sizes of pizza that you will offer.  If you plan to offer small, medium, and large pizzas, then enter the price of a small pizza as your base price. The additional cost for medium and large sizes can be added under Variable pricing below.  

  1. Ensure the Active item box is checked. Uncheck it whenever this pizza is not available.
  2. Order types: Decide whether this menu item is available for each order type (Take-out, Delivery).  Uncheck any order type that does not apply.   
  3. Click inside the Description field and enter a description of this pizza . 
  4. If you have a picture of the pizza, follow these instructions to add the image. If not, proceed to step 11. 
    1. In the Image section, click the Edit button. The Edit image side panel appears. 
    2. Click the Upload Image button. 
    3. Browse your computer’s hard drive for the image file you wish to add. Once located, select the image file and click the Open button to attach the image to the menu item. The image now appears on the screen. 
    4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Edit image side panel. The menu panel reappears and the image is now present.  
  5. Think about which customizations to offer for this pizza.  You can allow customers to customize one or more of these items (or none): size, crust, sauce, cheese, and topping.  If you do not plan to offer one or more of these customizations to your customers, then simply skip that step.
  6. To allow customers to order different sizes, click Add next to Size.  The Size panel appears.
size panel
  1. In the Size panel:
    1. Enter the size option you want to offer, for example, Large, then click Add. The new size appears below the field as Size 1.
    2. In the Price premium field, enter the additional cost of this size.  For example, if a large pizza cost $8.00 more than your base price, then enter $8.00. 
    3. Repeat these steps to add more sizes as needed. 
    4. Click Save.  The Basic panel reappears allowing you to select the next customization. 
Crust panel
  1. To allow customers to order a different crust, click Add next to Crust.  The Crust panel appears.
  2. In the Crust panel:
    1. Enter the crust option you want to offer (for example, whole wheat) then click Add. The new option appears below the field as Crust 1.
    2. In the Price premium field, enter the additional cost of this option.   
    3. Repeat these steps to add more crust options as needed. 
    4. Click Save.  The Basic panel reappears allowing you to select the next customization. 
  1. To allow customers to order a different sauce, click Add next to Sauce.  The Sauce panel appears.
  2. In the Sauce panel:
    1. Check the boxes for Extra Sauce and Light Sauce if you want to offer those options to your customers.
    2. In the empty field, enter the sauce option you want to offer (for example, Garlic sauce) then click Add. The new option appears below the field as Sauce 1.
    3. In the Price premium field, enter the additional cost of this option.   
    4. Repeat these steps to add more sauce options as needed. 
    5. Click Save.  The Basic panel reappears allowing you to select the next customization. 
  1. To allow customers to order a different cheese, click Add next to Cheese.  The Cheese panel appears.
  2. In the Cheese panel:
    1. Enter the cheese option you want to offer (for example, Provolone cheese) then click Add. The new option appears below the field as Cheese 1.
    2. In the Price premium field, enter the additional cost of this option.   
    3. Repeat these steps to add more cheese options as needed. 
    4. Click Save.  The Basic panel reappears allowing you to select the next customization. 
  1. To allow customers to customize the toppings for this pizza, click Add next to Topping.  The Topping panel appears.
  2. In the Topping panel:
    1. Under "Available customization", click on the checkboxes for Double and/or Triple to allow customers to order double or triple the standard amount of toppings.
    2. Under "Limit number of toppings?", click No or Yes. If you clicked Yes, enter the maximum number of toppings for this pizza.
    3. In the next empty field, enter the first topping you want to offer (for example, Ham) then click Add. The topping appears below the field as Topping 1.
    4. In the Price premium field, enter the additional cost of this topping.   
    5. Repeat these steps to add more toppings as needed. 
    6. Click Save.  The Basic panel reappears.  
Advanced tab
  1. Click the Advanced tab at the top of the Menu panel. 
  2. Under Tax, you can select one of these options:  Standard tax (default), Tax-free, or Tax inclusive. Refer to Tax settings for a definition of these options.
  3. Under "Half & half customization", decide which options customers will be able to customize on half of a pizza.  If you don't wish to allow half & half customization of the sauce or cheese or toppings, then uncheck the boxes as required. 
  4. Under "Variable pricing (order type)", click Edit and enter the additional cost for takeout and delivery orders as required. Click Save.
  5. To enter dietary information, click Edit next to "Dietary attributes", then enter any dietary information you want your customers to know about this pizza (for example, gluten-free, lactose-free), then click Save.


  1. Click the Save at the bottom of the Menu panel.  The menu category screen reappears showing the pizza you just added.  
  2. If needed, repeat these steps to add another pizza to the menu.