Tax settings

Note: The tax information provided below is not intended to constitute tax advice or guidance or to otherwise apply to your circumstances or requirements. You solely are responsible for determining the correct goods, sales, harmonized and other tax rates to be applied as part of your transactions with your customers. We are not engaged in rendering tax, accounting, legal or other professional advice or service. If accounting advice or other expert advice is required, the service of a competent professional should be sought.

When customers order an item from your menu, they will be charged taxes (or not) based on the tax settings for the item. Here are the available tax options for each menu item: 

Tax setting Definition
Category tax The tax profile defined for this menu category will be applied to the menu item.  Refer to Create and assign tax profiles.
Custom tax A custom tax profile will be applied to the item that is different from the category tax profile. 
Tax-free Tax will NOT be charged for the purchase of this item. The tax profile defined for this menu category will be NOT be applied.
Tax inclusive The price for this menu item will be the final amount charged to the customer and will include the tax defined for the item. category. The tax may be based on the category tax profile or a custom tax profile.