Manage Users

Once user profiles are created, you can administer users using the Actions tool for each user. 

  1. Select the user account you want to administer.
  2. Click on the dots under the Actions column.  Choose from the following:



You can view the customer user profile that you created.

Details screen enables you to view the customer user profile.

  1. Click Close to return to the User Management page.


Edit User

You can edit the customer user profile fields that you created by updating the fields, choose from a list or use toggle buttons.

Edit User popup enables you to edit information (first name, last name, email, choose role, choose notification language, cardholder dispute notifications (toggle for chargeback(s) and copy request(s), process refund and update bank account).

User Details

  1. Click inside any field to edit the information or select from the dropdown.

Note:  Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 


Email Notifications

  1. In the Notification language section, choose English or French from the drop down list.
  2. In the Cardholder dispute notifications section for Chargeback(s) and Copy request(s), use the toggle buttons to turn the notifications on or off.

Note:  Toggle button will be grey when it is selected off.

  1. Click Update to save the changes and return to the User Management page.
  2. Click Close to return to the User Management page.

Note:  The notification email address can either be the same as the user account email address (login email) or it can be set to a different email address.

Note:  Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 


Self-serve options

Administrator users can update the settings for a basic user to enable or disable them to process refunds

  1. In the section Process refund and Update bank account, use the toggle buttons to turn the notifications on or off.

Self-serve options section enables your refund options.

Note:  Toggle button will be grey when it is selected off.

  1. Click Update to save the changes and return to the User Management page.
  2. Click Cancel to return to the User Management page.

Note:  The notification email address can either be the same as the user account email address (login email) or it can be set to a different email address.
Note:  Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 


Delete User

You can delete the customer user profile that you created and no longer want to keep.

Delete User popup allows you to delete the customer user profile.  Choose between "Delete" or "No, Go back".

  1. Click Delete to continue to remove this customer user profile.
  2. Click No, go back to cancel and return to the User Management page.


Update Status

You can update the user status of the customer user profile by selecting a reason to suspend the user.

Update status enables you to suspend the user for three reasons: suspicious activity, employee leave or other.

  1. Select a reason from the drop down list: Suspicious activity, Employee leave or Other.
  2. Click Suspend User and return to the User Management page.
  3. Click the small "X" to cancel and return to the User Management page.


Regenerate Email

You can regenerate an email invitation for the user, a reminder with a link will be sent to complete their registration.

Regenerate email popup enables you to resend the email link, click send or cancel.

  1. Click Send to email the link and return to the User Management page.
  2. Click Cancel and return to the User Management page.


Update Email

You can update the email address on file for users following the instructions below. 

: The Update email popup enables you to edit an existing email that was already created.

  1. Click inside the Email field and enter the user's new email address. 
  2. Click inside the Confirm email field and reenter the user's new email address. 
  3. Click the Update button.