Reports menu

There are many reports that can be viewed on your terminal, with the option of printing them. These reports contain:

transaction details and transaction totals by various search criteria;

terminal settings and logs.

To view the Reports menu:  From the Main menu, tap Reports > Transaction Reports or Settings Reports.

Merchant Direct reporting

In addition to viewing reports on your Moneris terminal, you can also view reports online by logging into Merchant Direct. (Refer to enrolment instructions if needed.) Merchant Direct allows you to view and download transaction reports by batch, date, clerk ID, and device number. You can also view and download standard monthly merchant reports and special reports.

To login:

Go to

In the top, right area of the screen, click Login.

From the drop down list, select Merchant Direct.

Enter your user ID and password.

Transaction reports

When card numbers are printed on reports, the card numbers are masked or truncated.  Masking replaces a card’s numbers with asterisks (e.g., ************1234). Truncation prints only the last 4 digits of a card (e.g., 1234). The expiry date is not printed on reports. These measures help to prevent fraud.


Report (click the link for instructions) This report contains:
Host Totals Totals, from the Moneris host, for each card brand (for example, Visa, Mastercard), broken down by transaction type (purchase, refund, and others).  At the end of the report, there is a grand total for all credit card and debit card transactions, broken down by transaction type.   You can view the totals on the Moneris host at any time. However, this report is most useful as part of the end of day batch close process.
Terminal Totals Totals, from the terminal, for each card brand (for example, Visa, Mastercard), broken down by transaction type (purchase, refund, and others).  At the end of the report, there is a grand total for all credit card and debit card transactions, broken down by transaction type.
Transaction Details Transactions details, from the terminal,  for a specified date or for  the entire batch of transactions. Followed by totals for each card brand (for example, Visa, Mastercard), broken down by transaction type (purchase, refund, and others).  At the end of the report, there is a grand total for all credit card and debit card transactions, broken down by transaction type.   Transaction details and totals from the terminal are most often printed as part of the end of day batch close process.

Transaction Inquiry

Any transaction that matches your search criteria. You can search for transactions by card number or by date or both.
Tip Totals Tip totals for the current batch, organized by clerk ID. You can generate the report for a specific day or for the entire batch.


All open pre-authorization transactions.
Deposit Totals Totals, as recorded on the Moneris host, for the last settled batch. This report is broken down by card brand with a grand total at the end.
Clerk Totals Transaction totals for one or more individual clerks or for all clerks.

Gift and Loyalty

This Gift & Loyalty Reports sub-menu allows you to view and print reports similar to the ones above, but specifically for gift and loyalty transactions processed on your terminal.  The Gift & Loyalty reports include:

Host Totals

Terminal Totals

Transaction Details

Transaction Inquiry

Tip Totals

Store and Forward

Transactions accepted in store and forward mode.  These transactions are stored on the terminal and will be forwarded to Moneris when the connection to the Moneris host is restored.

Settings reports

Report This report contains:
Basic Terminal Basic information about your terminal such as terminal ID, merchant ID, and software version.
Enhanced Terminal Basic information about your terminal as well as detailed information about the settings on your terminal.
Communication Ethernet parameters, Ethernet settings, and the host configuration used by the terminal to communicate with the Moneris host through your network.
EMV Reports Opens the EMV Settings sub-menu:
  • EMV Public Keys
  • EMV Parameters