Transaction inquiry report

Use this report to view transactions for a specific card number, for a specific date, or for both.

On the Main menu, tap Reports > Transaction Reports > Transaction Inquiry.

Respond to any security prompts that appear.

The Transaction Inquiry search screen appears.

Tap the Card Number field and key in the last 4 digits of the card you want to search for, then tap OK.

If you want to see only the transactions processed on a specific day for that card, tap the Date field and key in the desired date, then tap OK.

Both the card number and date fields are optional, but you must fill in at least one of them. For example, you can fill in the date field and leave the card number field blank to see all the transactions for that date.

Tap OK to generate the report.

The terminal displays a summary of the transaction(s) found by transaction type (for example, purchase, refund).

If the report extends past the screen, swipe up to see more.

To view the report for a different card or date, tap Back.

To clear the screen and return to the Transactions Reports menu, tap OK.

To see details for each transaction, continue to the next step.

Tap a transaction to see its receipt, then choose from the following actions.

To reprint the customer copy of the receipt, tap Reprint Receipt or press 1 on the terminal keypad. (To reprint the merchant copy of any receipt, use the Reprint function on the Main menu.)

To view another transaction, tap Back.

To clear the screen and return to the Transactions Reports menu, tap OK.


More information

Reports menu