Add combos to a menu

Follow these instructions to add a combo to a menu.  To add other menu items, refer to Add food to a menu

Important notes:


  1. On the portal’s main menu, click Menu
  2. On the Menu screen, click the category under which the combo will go.   
  3. Click the Create new button in the top right corner. 
  4. From the list of options, click Combos.  The Menu panel appears with the Basic tab selected. 
  1. Click inside the Item Name field and enter the name of the combo as you want it to appear on your menu (examples: Soup & sandwich combo, Pizza slice & pop combo, Dessert & coffee combo). 
  2. Click inside the Price field and enter the default or base price for the combo. 
  1. Ensure the Active item checkbox is checked. Uncheck it if this item is not available.
  2. Order types: Decide whether this combo is available for each order type Takeout, Online, and/or Delivery).  Uncheck any order type that does not apply.    
  3. Click inside the Description field and enter a description of this combo. 
  4. If you have a picture of the combo, follow these instructions to add the image. If not, proceed to step 11. 
    1. In the Image section, click the Edit button. The Edit image side panel appears. 
    2. Click the Upload Image button. 
    3. Browse your computer’s hard drive for the image file you wish to add. Once located, select the image file and click the Open button to attach the image to the menu item. The image now appears on the screen. 
    4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Edit image side panel. The menu panel reappears and the image is now present.  
  5. Decide which options to offer for this combo. For example, if you are combining a sandwich and a drink, you would list the sandwiches under "Combo selection 1" and the drinks under "Combo selection 2".  

Important note:  You can only add existing items from your menu.  If the items you want to offer as part of this combo do not already exist on your menu, then add them now by referring to Add food to a menu and then return to this topic.

  1. Click Add next to Combo Selection 1.  A panel appears to enter the items for selection 1. 
  1. In the combo selection 1 panel: 
    1. In the "Combo selection name" field, enter a name for this selection. Continuing with the sandwich & drink example, you would enter "Sandwiches". 
    2. In the "Add item" field, begin typing and select an item that a customer could order for this part of the combo (example, Chicken salad sandwich), then click Add.  The item is added and appears in the space below the field. 
    3. In the price field, enter any additional cost associated with this item. For example, a roast beef sandwich may cost $2.00 more than the standard price of the combo. In that case, enter $2.00. 
    4. Continue to add more items as required for combo selection 1.  For example, egg salad sandwich, tuna fish sandwich, etc. 
    5. Click Save.  The Basic tab reappears allowing you to specify the next selection in the combo. 
  2. On the Basic tab, click Add next to Combo Selection 2.  A panel appears to enter the items for selection 2.
  1. In the combo selection 2 panel: 
    1. In the "Combo selection name" field, enter a name for this selection. Continuing with the sandwich & drink example, you would enter "Drinks". 
    2. In the "Add item" field, begin typing and select an item that a customer could order for this part of the combo (example, Diet Coke), then click Add.  The item is added and appears in the space below the field. 
    3. In the price field, enter any additional cost associated with this item. For example, if you offer a bottle of domestic beer as an option for Drinks, it may cost $4.00 more than the standard price of the combo. In that case, enter $4.00. 
    4. Continue to add more items as required for combo selection 2.  For example, iced tea, a bottle of water, etc. 
    5. Click Save.  The Basic tab reappears allowing you to specify the next selection in the combo. 
  1. If you wish to offer a third selection as part of this combo, click Add new combo selection.   A panel appears to enter selection 3.  Follow the same steps as combo selection 1 and 2.
  1. Click the Advanced tab at the top of the Menu panel. 
    Note:  Taxes for combos are calculated automatically based on the taxes that are applicable to the individual items selected within the combo. The taxes for individual item are prorated based on the combo price.
  2. Under "Variable pricing (order type)", click Edit and enter the additional cost for takeout and delivery orders as required. Click Save.
  3. To enter dietary information, click Edit next to "Dietary attributes", then enter any dietary information about this combo that customers might want to know.  Examples: Vegan, Gluten-free, Lactose-free, Kosher, Halal, May contains nuts, Dairy-free. 


  1. Click Save at the bottom of the Menu panel.  The menu category screen reappears showing the combo you just added.  
  2. If needed, repeat these steps to add another combo to the menu.