A refund credits a customer's account in relation to a purchase. You can refund the whole amount of a purchase transaction or a portion of the amount. Refunds are processed through the Reports screen.
To process a refund without referring to an exising purchase, see Independent refund.
If needed, tap the All transactions dropdown menu and select Refunds to see refund transactions only. You can also tap Scan to scan the QR code from a receipt, or tap Search to look for the transaction to be refunded. For instructions, refer to Finding a transaction using Scan or Search.
To perform a partial refund, tap the Delete < key to delete the full amount, then enter the amount you want to refund. Otherwise, continue at step 5.
If the customer inserted a chip card, the message “Do not remove your card” also appears.
Note: You can choose which receipt options customers will see. Refer to Receipt settings.
If the customer chooses Text or Email, they are prompted to enter the appropriate information (cellular phone number, email address) |
Store the receipt for your records. |
The application is ready to process your next transaction. |