Location Spending Propensity

Increase your return on ad spend with improved geo-targeting by focusing efforts on consumers with the highest spend potential in your industry.

Get the most out of your targeting strategy

Reaching customers at the right location and time has always been a challenge for marketers. Insights can be gathered through performing small market tests, but this can become quite costly over time and may not cover all locations.

Moneris offers a proprietary solution that utilizes consumer spending payment data to measure a consumer’s propensity to purchase across different locations and industries. Using a Spending Level Index and a Percentile-ranking Approach, we measure the average consumer spend within a specific industry, period and geo-location, which is thereafter compared and ranked across all geo-locations. Our Location Spending Propensity solution allows marketers to improve their campaign targeting to reach consumers with high propensities to purchase in areas with increased market demand and consumer spending for their industry.

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Key Insight: Segmentation
Target your ad campaigns to reach customer segments that spend the most in your industry, or in regions that rank higher in consumer spending within your industry.

Download report

Access a sample Location Spending Propensity report and understand how our data is measured and represented for this solution. Download now
Improve geo-targeting
Employ consumer location insights to understand where your customers spend most and how their buying behaviours change to improve your digital targeting.

Key Insights:

Location Data (Geo Level)