Gift Card Summary Report
The Gift Card Summary report displays information pertaining to Moneris Gift transactions processed within a date range at the chain and merchant level. The data is broken out and displayed in Canadian and US dollars.
Why use this report
Use this report to see a summary of Moneris Gift transactions processed within a date range, including the merchant account that processed the transaction, the transaction date, the activated amount and count, deactivation amount and count, redemption amount and count, void refund amount and count, adjustment amount and count, and expiry amount and count. Use this information to get an overall sense of gift card activity at your business within the selected date range.
Report customizations
The Gift Card Summary report does not feature any customization, other than selecting a date range and accounts to include.
Data retention and availability
The reporting period cannot exceed 31 days. Data is available for the last 2 years, excluding the day on which you generate the report. For example, if today is April 6, 2024, the data is available for 24 months starting from April 2022, and can be run until April 5, 2024.
How to run the report
- From the main menu, under the Reports section, click Gift Cards. The Gift Cards screen appears.
- In the Report Type section, choose the Gift Card Transactions option.
- Under the Moneris Account section, do one of the following:
- To run the report for a chain, select Chain.
- To run the report for a single merchant, or multiple merchant accounts, select Merchant.
- Click the Account(s) drop-down menu. The Merchant Location(s) popup appears.
- Select the merchant(s)/chain(s) on which you wish to report by placing checkmarks in the checkboxes next to the account(s).
- Click the Apply button at the bottom of the Merchant Location(s) popup. The popup closes.
- In the Detail Level section, select Summary.
- In the Date Range section, select a date range for the report.
- Click the Apply button. The Gift Card Summary report appears on the screen.
Once the report has been generated, you can export the section results to a CSV file.
Field descriptions
Refer to the descriptions of all of the fields that are available for this report.
Note: Field names are listed alphabetically on this page only to assist you with quick lookup and identification.
- Activated Amount - This field displays the total dollar amount of Moneris Gift Cards activated at this location within the date range.
- Activated Count - This field displays the total quantity of Moneris Gift Cards activated at this location within the date range.
- Adjustment Amount - This field displays the total dollar amount of balance adjustments made to Moneris Gift Cards at this location within the date range.
- Adjustment Count - This field displays the total quantity of balance adjustments made to Moneris Gift Cards at this location within the date range.
- Average Purchase - This field displays the average purchase (redemption) amount of Moneris Gift Cards that were redeemed at this location within the date range.
- Deactivated Amount - This field displays the total dollar amount of Moneris Gift Cards which were deactivated at this location within the date range.
- Deactivated Count - This field displays the total number of Moneris Gift Cards deactivated at this location within the date range.
- Expiry Amount - This field displays the total dollar amount of Moneris Gift Cards which expired at this location within the date range.
- Expiry Count - This field displays the total quantity of Moneris Gift Cards which expired at this location within the date range.
- Merchant Name - This field displays the merchant's name associated with the merchant account.
- Merchant Number - This field displays the truncated Moneris Merchant ID under which the Gift Card transaction was processed.
- Purchase Amount - This field displays the total dollar amount of Gift purchases (redemptions) made at this location within the date range.
- Purchase Count - This field displays the total quantity of Moneris Gift Cards redeemed at this location within the date range.
- Store Number - This field displays the store number at which the Gift Card transactions occurred within the date range.
- Transaction Date - This field displays the date on which the Gift transaction occurred at this location.
- Void/Refund Amount - This field displays the total dollar value of Gift refunds or voids processed at this location within the date range.
- Void/Refund Count - This field displays the total quantity of Gift refunds or voids processed at this location within the date range.