Force Post with Credit Card: SI Mode

In Semi-Integrated mode, completes a voice-authorized purchase.

1. Start the transaction from your ECR:

a. Select the pre-authorization completion transaction type.

b. Select the debit/credit tender type.

c. If required, enter the following data (recorded on the paper sales draft imprint):

d. Do one of the following:

If Tip Reporting is enabled: Enter the voice-authorized purchase amount excluding a tip amount (if any) recorded on the paper sales draft imprint.


If Tip Reporting is not enabled: Enter the sum of the voice-authorized purchase amount plus the tip amount (if any) recorded on the paper sales draft imprint.

e. Send the transaction request.

2. Continue the transaction from your iCT250 terminal:

a. Wait for one of the following prompts to appear (see list below), and then enter the required data on the terminal (continue in the "Advice - with Voice Authorization Number" procedure, and begin at the appropriate step from 4 to 8 as applicable to the prompt that appears):

3. Process the transaction receipts.

If your ECR is configured to print receipts...