This transaction (also known as a Refund Correction) is used only when a Partial Approval Refund transaction was entered incorrectly and needs to be cancelled.
IMPORTANT: This Refund Void transaction must be processed for each of the amounts refunded on the Partial Approval Refund transaction. For example, if the overall refund transaction total was $57.75, and two pre-paid credit cards were refunded for $25 each, then you would need to perform three Refund Voids; two for $25 each and a third for the remaining $7.75. See the Partial Approval Transaction Scenarios section for more information.
If Moneris Loyalty points were awarded during the Partial Approval Purchase transaction that was refunded:
when prompted to UPDATE POINTS TO ANOTHER CARD, always select NO.
perform the necessary Refund (described in this topic) for the full value of the transaction.
once complete, go into the Ernex menu and perform a manual Loyalty Purchase for the full value of the transaction.
To navigate through the menus:
down: press the
key to move the highlight
bar down.
up: press the
key to move the highlight
bar up.
a highlighted item:
press the green key.
information about the keys...
From the READY screen:
1. Press the Admin key.
The MAIN MENU appears.
The TRANSACTIONS menu appears.
3. Scroll down and select VOID-REFUND.
The SWIPE ADMIN CARD prompt appears.
4. Swipe the POS
admin card.
The ENTER AMOUNT entry screen appears.
5. Key in the amount of the Refund
to be voided, and press the green key.
IMPORTANT: Key in the Partially Approved amount that was refunded with the card. A Partial Approval Refund transaction can contain multiple pre-paid credit cards as well as other tenders. It is very important that you key in the Partially Approved amount as opposed to the total purchase amount in order to void the refund correctly. See the "Partial Approval Transaction Scenarios" topic for more information.
If the ENTER CLERK ID entry screen appears ...
If the ENTER INVOICE NO entry screen appears ...
The SWIPE OR INSERT CARD prompt appears on the terminal .
If an external PINpad is attached, the SWIPE CARD prompt appears on the terminal and the SWIPE OR INSERT CARD prompt appears on the external PINpad.
If contactless functionality is enabled, the PINpad continues to display the WELCOME/BONJOUR screen because contactless Voids are not permitted.
Note: At this point begin the refund correction with the pre-paid credit card associated with the amount entered in step 5.
6. Enter the card on the terminal (or external PINpad if attached) :
a. Swipe the card on the terminal (or the external PINpad if attached) . If ########### PRESS [OK] appears on the terminal, confirm that the displayed Card number is the same number on the card. Press OK. The ENTER ORIGINAL AUTHORIZATION # entry screen appears on the terminal . b. Key
in the Auth # found on the Refund receipt, and press the green
IMPORTANT: Enter an Original Authorization number that exists in the current Batch. c. Continue below at step 7. |
7. A prompt listed below may appear on the terminal:
8. Please wait while the terminal processes the transaction. Some of the prompts listed below may appear on the terminal :
If ENTER PROMO CODE appears ...
If ENTER INVOICE NO appears ...
If ENTER XXX AMOUNT appears ( XXX is the tax type, e.g. GST) ...
9. The terminal communicates with the Moneris Host, and then one of the following APPROVED messages appears on the terminal depending on the Card Entry method or Payment type:
If APPROVED ######
OBTAIN SIGNATURE appears, press the green key.
A receipt prints.
If APPROVED ######
GIVE CUST COPY appears, press the green key.
A receipt prints.
10. Process receipts.
If the Gift & Loyalty program is enabled you will see the following prompt on the terminal:
Select NO for now. Once the refund-void is complete (for the pre-paid credit cards and other tenders used) you can process a manual Loyalty purchase.
11. Repeat steps 1 - 10 for each pre-paid credit card used in the transaction (if more than one had been used originally). Follow these steps to correct a refund for a cardholder's regular credit or debit card.
Note: Moneris Solutions cannot guarantee when the card balance will be updated to reflect the voided amount. The time frame for the balance update is variable for each card issuer. Please be aware (and inform the cardholder) that the card balance might not be immediately updated.