Disable a product or variant

Once a product is published and therefore active, you cannot delete it.  However, you can disable the product or a variant of the product so that it does not appear in your store for purchase. 

Note: You can delete a product if it is still in draft mode.  Refer to Delete a product


product list
  1. On the Products page, click on the active product you want to disable.  Under the Status column, it must say Active.   
  2. Choose one of the following: 
  • To disable the product, including all variants, go to step 3. 
  • To disable only one (or more) variants, start at step 4. 
active toggle in off position
  1. The "Edit product" panel appears. 
    1. On the Basic tab, click on the toggle beside Active to turn it off.  The product and any variants will be disabled.
    2. Go to step 5. 
active toggle in off position
  1. When the "Edit product" panel appears, click on the Advanced tab to view variants. 
    1. Under Product variants, click Edit
    2. Click the pencil icon for the variant you want to disable. 
    3. On the panel for the variant, click on the toggle beside Active to turn it off.
save button
  1. At the bottom of the panel, click Save
  2. Click Back as needed and close the panel.