Starting an assisted UnionPay transaction

What is an assisted UnionPay transaction?  

It is simply a transaction where you tell the terminal that you will be using  a UnionPay card before starting the transaction.  Use this transaction method when standard processing methods produce one of the following error messages:

How to start an assisted UnionPay transaction

To start an assisted UnionPay transaction, navigate to the UnionPay transaction menu.

From the Main menu, tap Transactions to display the Transactions menu.

Tap Additional Transactions.

If prompted, enter your user ID and passcode then tap OK.  

Tap Assisted UnionPay, then tap the transaction you wish to perform.

If this transaction is protected, you may be prompted to re-enter your passcode.

Assisted UnionPay transactions

When required, the following assisted UnionPay transactions can be performed.





Note:  There is no assisted procedure for voiding a UnionPay transaction. Follow the standard void procedure.