Gift card void

Perform a gift card void when a gift card purchase has been entered incorrectly and needs to be cancelled and re-done.

Voids are performed using the Reports screen. Follow these instructions.

  1. Tap the Main menu  icon, then tap Reports


  1. Look under “All transactions” and tap the transaction you want to void.

If needed, tap the All transactions dropdown menu and select the type of transaction you are looking for. 

You can also tap Scan to scan the QR code from a receipt, or tap Search to look for the transaction to be voided. For instructions, refer to Finding a transaction using Scan or Search.


  1. The transaction details appear.
  • Verify this is the right transaction, then tap Void at the bottom of the screen.
  • Otherwise, tap the Back  <   icon in the title bar to go back to the previous screen. 

Note:      What if Void does not appear at the bottom of the screen? This means the transaction is not in the current batch. Only transactions in the current batch can be voided. If you need to reverse a purchase transaction, perform a refund instead of a void.

  1. The application prompts you to confirm that you want to proceed with voiding the transaction.
  • To proceed, tap OK. Continue to step 5.
  • To cancel, tap the Back  <   icon in the title bar to go back to the previous screen.


Enter CVV
  1. The CVV prompt appears.
    1. Tap the CVV field.
    2. Enter the card verification value (CVV) from the back of the Moneris gift card, then tap the check mark.
    3. Tap Confirm to continue.

Note: If necessary, you can bypass the CVC. Leave the field empty, then tap Confirm.

  1. Once the void is approved, the “How would you like your receipt?” prompt appears, showing the available options for receiving a receipt: Print, Text, Email, and No Receipt.
  2. Ask the customer which receipt format they prefer and tap one of the options on screen.

Note:      You can choose which receipt options customers will see. Refer to Receipt settings.

  1. The application prints receipts if requested.
  • If the customer requested a printed receipt, give them the cardholder copy. 
  • If you enabled merchant receipt printing, keep the merchant copy for your records.
  1. When the “Transaction complete” prompt appears, tap OK to return to the default transaction screen.
  1. The default transaction screen appears.

The application is ready to process your next transaction.