This transaction (also known as a Refund Correction) is used only when a Refund transaction was entered incorrectly and needs to be cancelled.
IMPORTANT: This transaction must be processed for the full amount of the original Refund, and it must be processed in the same batch as the original Refund.
From the READY screen:
navigate through the menus:
- Scroll down: press the F1 key
to move the highlight bar down.
- Scroll up: press the F3 key to
move the highlight bar up.
- Select a highlighted item: press OK.
1. Press the Admin key.
The MAIN MENU appears.
2. Press OK to select TRANSACTIONS.
The TRANSACTIONS menu appears.
3. Scroll down to VOID-REFUND, and press OK.
The SWIPE ADMIN CARD prompt appears.
4. Swipe the POS Admin card.
The ENTER AMOUNT entry screen appears.
5. Key in the amount of the Refund to be voided, and press OK.
IMPORTANT: This transaction must be processed for the full amount of the original Refund.
If the ENTER CLERK ID entry screen appears ...
If the ENTER INVOICE NO entry screen appears ...
The SWIPE OR INSERT CARD prompt appears on the terminal.
If an external PINpad is attached, the SWIPE CARD prompt appears on the terminal and the SWIPE OR INSERT CARD prompt appears on the external PINpad.
If a contactless reader is attached, it continues to display the WELCOME/BONJOUR screen because contactless Voids are not permitted.
6. Enter the card on the terminal (or external PINpad if attached):
enter |
a. Swipe the card on the terminal (or the external PINpad if attached) . If the ENTER LAST 4 DIGITS entry screen appears on the terminal , key in the last 4 digits of the Card number, and press OK. The ENTER ORIGINAL AUTHORIZATION # entry screen appears on the terminal . b. Key in the Auth # found on the Refund receipt, and press OK. IMPORTANT: Enter an Original Authorization number that exists in the current Batch. c. Continue below at step 7. |
a. You or the cardholder must insert the card into the terminal chip reader (or the external PINpad chip reader if the PINpad is attached) . IMPORTANT: Leave the chip card in the reader for the entire transaction. If the SELECT <Application name> prompt appears ... The ENTER ORIGINAL AUTHORIZATION # entry screen appears on the terminal . b. Key in the Auth # found on the Refund receipt, and press OK. IMPORTANT: Enter an Original Authorization number that exists in the current Batch. c. Continue below at step 7. |
a. Key in the Card number, and press OK. The ENTER EXPIRY DATE entry screen appears on the terminal . b. Key in the Expiry date, and press OK. If MAIL/TEL options appear on the terminal ... If the TAKE MANUAL IMPRINT OF CARD AND PRESS OK prompt appears on the terminal ... The ENTER ORIGINAL AUTHORIZATION # entry screen appears on the terminal . c. Key in the Auth # found on the Refund receipt, and press OK. IMPORTANT: Enter an Original Authorization number that exists in the current Batch. d. Continue below at step 8. |
7. A prompt listed below may appear on the terminal:
8. Please wait while the terminal processes the transaction. Some of the prompts listed below may appear on the terminal :
If ENTER PROMO CODE appears ...
If ENTER INVOICE NO appears ...
If ENTER XXX AMOUNT appears ( XXX is the tax type, e.g. GST) ...
9. The terminal communicates with the Moneris Host, and then one of the following APPROVED messages appears on the terminal depending on the Card Entry method or Payment type:
If APPROVED ###### OBTAIN SIGNATURE appears, press OK. A receipt prints.
If APPROVED ###### GIVE CUST COPY appears, press OK. A receipt prints.
10. Process receipts.