Gift & Loyalty - Transaction details report

This report shows details for  gift card and loyalty card transactions stored on the terminal in the current Gift & Loyalty batch.  If you wish to see only the summary of transactions, go to Gift & Loyalty - Terminal totals report.

1.      From the Main menu, tap Reports, Transaction Reports, Gift and Loyalty Reports, then Gift & Loyalty Trans. Details.

The "Report by type" search screen appears.

2.      Tap Select Type and choose a search type.

§        To search by date, tap Date, enter a date, then tap OK.

§        To search the current batch, tap Entire Batch, then tap OK.

The terminal displays the details and totals for each gift or loyalty card found, together with a grand total by transaction type, or indicates there are no transactions that match your search values.

3.      Choose one of these options:

§        To print the report, tap 1 Print or press 1 on the keypad;

§        To return to the search screen, tap Back;

§        To end the report and return to the Gift and Loyalty Reports menu, tap OK.