Update Bank Account

Both basic and administrator users can view their own user details and process banking requests. However, administrator users can create and/or edit external users under their own organization. You can also review user account settings to check if you have the ability to process banking requests. Follow the instructions below to begin the add bank account process. 

Here is a helpful video to quickly get you started.

Find Merchant Account

  1. From the Merchant Direct main menu, under the Self Serve section, click on Account Management.

Menu option shows a list of actions you can select from.

  1. Locate the account you wish to edit:

  1. Once you locate the account you wish to edit, click on the update icon () in the Update column. You cannot update a greyed out icon. The Manage Account Information screen appears.  

Manage Account Information Screen displays information about your account.

  1. Scroll down to the Bank account section and click the Edit button. The Request for bank account screen will appear.

Bank account section says The bank account(s) applicable to your Moneris merchant account.

Note:     The Bank account section will not display if you are not eligible for self-serve banking.



Request Bank Account

This is where you will be asked a series of questions related to your bank account request. There are five sections to complete the banking process, which you will see across the top of the screen. The sections will need to be completed in order as they appear.

Request bank account screen indicates the five sections.


Bank account request questions

This first section requires you to answer all four statements.

Bank account request questions screen with four statements.

  1. Click the Yes or No buttons for each statement:

Note:     When you click No, on this statement, the next statement will automatically change to No.

Note:     The choice of Yes or No will only be available if  the statement above is Yes.

  1. Click the Continue button to move to the next section.
  2. Click the Cancel button. The Cancel banking request popup appears.


Existing bank account info

This second section requires you to fill out information about your existing bank account.

Existing bank account info screen requires you to enter existing bank information.

Note:     Only numeric values are accepted in all the fields. Use the example text and cheque provided for your reference.

  1. Click in the Transit number field. Enter the 5 digit transit number. 

Note:     An error message will appear for incorrect number:  "Enter a valid 5 digits Transit number".

  1. Click in the Financial institution field. Enter the 3 digit financial institution number. 

Note:     An error message will appear for incorrect number:  "Enter a valid 3 digits financial institution".

  1. Click in the Bank account number field. Enter the 7 to 12 digit bank account number. 

Note:     An error message will appear for any spaces or hyphens:  "Enter a valid account number".

  1. Click the Continue button to move to the next section.
  2. Click the Cancel button. The Cancel banking request popup appears.


New bank account info

This third section requires you to fill information about your new bank account and to refill the same information to confirm the new bank account.

New bank account info screen requires you to enter new banking information and to re-enter it.

Note:     You cannot use the copy and paste function to enter the information.

Note:     Only numeric values are accepted in all the fields. Use the example text and cheque provided for your reference.

  1. In the What is your new bank account? section:

Note:     An error message will appear for incorrect number:  "Enter a valid 5 digits Transit number".

Note:     An error message will appear for incorrect number:  "Enter a valid 3 digits financial institution".

Note:     An error message will appear for any spaces or hyphens:  "Enter a valid account number".

  1. In the Confirm your new bank account section:

Note:     An error message will appear for incorrect number:  "Enter a valid 5 digits Transit number".

Note:     An error message will appear for incorrect number:  "Enter a valid 3 digits financial institution".

Note:     An error message will appear for any spaces or hyphens:  "Enter a valid account number".

Note:    The information from both sections in this screen will need to match to continue.

  1. Click the Continue button to move to the next section.
  2. Click the Cancel button. The Cancel banking request popup appears.



Bank account update details

This forth section requires you to update your new bank account details.

Bank account update details screen requires you to choose what you want to update and the date to change it.

  1. Click and choose on one from the following:
  1. Click on the populated date to open the calendar in the Update bank account on: field. The calendar popup appears.

Note:     Tomorrows date is automatically populated in the field.

Calendar selection to select a date.

  1. Select a date:

Note:     You can select a date between tomorrow and within 90 days of this banking request. If you try to select a date out of this range, you will not be permitted.

Note:     The calendar popup will close when you have selected your date, but you can click on it again to make changes.

  1. Click the Continue button to move to the next section.
  2. Click the Cancel button. The Cancel banking request popup appears.



Confirm update details

This fifth section requires you to confirm and authorize Moneris to change your bank account and accept the terms of use.

Confirm update details screen to confirm and to accept the terms.

  1. Carefully read this confirmation message. 
  2. Click on small box on the left side of Accept the Terms Of Use to place a checkmark.

Accept the Terms Of Use to checkmark to accept.

  1. Click the Continue button to move to the next section. The Manage Account Information screen with the Bank bank account section appears.
  2. Click the Cancel button. The Cancel banking request popup appears.



Cancel banking request

You can choose to cancel the banking request at any time.

Cancel banking request popup to cancel banking request.

  1. Choose one of the following:

Cancel banking request and return to bank account screen.

  1. Click the Edit button or the Go back button.


Not eligible to update

When the icon () is greyed out, this means the account you are trying to select to is not eligible to update and you will need to contact your administrator.

Not eligible to update screen indicates a message,: This account is not eligible to be updated within Merchant Direct. Contact your account administrator for further details.


Unable to continue

There may be times where you may not be able to proceed further, the message "Based on your response it appears this is a new business ownership. Please contact our Sales Centre for assistance at 1-855-463-5669." will appear.

Unable to continue screen indicates a message when you are unable to continue the banking process.

  1. Click the Edit button to return to Bank account request section.
  2. Click the Go back button to exit out of the request and return to the Manage Account Information screen.