Ordering Products and Supplies

As an basic or administrator user, you have the ability to order products and supplies right from your business accounts. You can view past orders for devices and supplies submitted through MD2 in the Order History table. You can filter your orders listed in the Order History table as well. Follow the instructions below to begin your order.

  1. From the menu bar on the top left corner, click on Ordering under the Self Serve heading.

The Ordering screen appears.

Ordering Screen shows the orders that were submitted.

  1. Click Product and supplies button on the top left side. The Select Account screen appears.

Select Account Screen shows all the account you have.

  1. Click on the account from the list you want to begin your order or tap on Search account number, address or store number field to search for a specific account.

Note:     Any matching accounts will display as you type your search criteria.

  1. Click Continue. The Select Products screen appears.


Select Products

Here you will see products and supplies that are available to be ordered for the account selected. You can view details of all products and supplies as well as insert the quantity you require. As you add to your order from the sections on the left side, the Order summary section on the right side of the page will update to reflect your order list and lead you to complete and process your order. You can choose to continue with your order, go back to the previous page or cancel the order at any time.

Select Product Screen shows the various sections.

Device and Accessories

These are the devices that the selected merchant already owns and they can reorder more of them, including its related accessory. If there is more than one device available to you, an additional tab per device will be visible.

Device and Accessories Section

  1. Click the Device tab name you want to order.
  2. Click the Select a carrier drop down list and choose the carrier.

Note:     You must select a carrier, otherwise you will see the "Wireless carrier not selected" message.

Note:     If the chosen device is a wireless device that needs a carrier setup, the combo box with available selection of the carrier will show with the device.

Wireless carrier not selected Popup with message "Please select a carrier for wireless device(s).", click OK.

  1. Click the plus (+or negative (-) sign in the Quantity section or type the number in the box.

Note:     You cannot enter the numeric value of zero (0), it will automatically default to one (1).

  1. Click Add to Order button. The Order summary section will update to reflect all added items.

Note:     A message will appear when you have reached the maximum order limit the item.

Add other items to order

There are various sections on the left side to order from. You can choose to add items from any of the sections. 

Note:     Once you have added an item to your order and attempt to navigate to another site or screen a message will popup. 

  1. Click on any tab on the lefts side.
  2. View and scroll the list of items within the tab.
  3. Click on the plus (+or negative (-) sign in the Quantity section or edit the number in the box.

Note:     You cannot enter the numeric value of zero (0), it will automatically default to one (1).

Note:     A message will appear when you have reached the maximum order limit the item.

  1. Click Add to Order button. The Order summary section will update to reflect all added items.
  2. Follow steps 1 to 4 to add other items to your order or proceed to step 6.
  3. Click Continue to go to the next ordering process section. The screen will switch to the Order summery tab.


Order Summary 

This tab shows all the items you have ordered. You may change the quantity of the ordered items or remove the item from the order summary completely.

Order Summary Screen shows details of your order and cost.

  1. Review all the items you have ordered.
  2. Change the quantity:

Note:     You cannot enter the numeric value of zero (0), it will automatically default to one (1).

Remove item from your order Popup

Note:     A message will appear when you have reached the maximum order limit the item.

The Order summary section will update to reflect the updated quantity and cost.

Order Summary Update Screen shows details of your order and cost.

  1. Click Continue to go to the next ordering process section. The screen will switch to the Review order and contact information tab.


Review Order And Contact Information  

This tab shows details of all the items you have ordered, which includes the unit costs and taxes applied based on your province of the account registered. You may choose to create a nickname for the order for future reference. This is also where you can update and confirm the shipping address.

Review Order And Contact Information Screen


You may choose to create a nickname to reference this order or leave it blank.

  1. Click on Nickname your order (optional) text field.
  2. Enter a name you would like to use for this order.

Note:     The maximum length of the name is 30 characters.

  1. Click outside the text field to continue.

Shipping Address

You can keep the populated address in this section or edit any text field to change the address information as needed for the order. All address fields are mandatory to be filled in. Once all the fields are populated with the address information and revised, the "I confirm that the shipping details below are correct" box is enabled.

  1. Review the Shipping Address section.
  2. Click on any name or address text field to edit.

Note:     The province will be disabled as this is linked to your taxation information for your account.

  1. Click on the I confirm that the shipping details below are correct box to apply the checkmark.

Note:     The Continue button will be disabled until the checkmark is entered.

  1. Click Continue to go to the next ordering process section. The screen will switch to the Accept Terms And Conditions tab.


Accept Terms And Conditions

This is the final step in your order process.

Accept Terms And Conditions Screen

  1. Read the Merchant Acknowledgment and Authorization to the bottom of the document.

Note:     The Submit order button will be disabled until you have read the full acknowledgment.

Accept Terms And Conditions Screen button enabled

  1. Click Submit order.

Note:     By submitting the order you agree to the Terms of Use.

It will take a few moments to process the order. Then you return to the Ordering screen. You will see a message displayed at the top, indicating your order has been submitted. Your order is visible in the Order History section.

Ordering Screen with submitted message.



View Past Orders

You can view details of past devices and supplies orders submitted through MD2 from the Order History list.

Ordering Screen shows the orders that were submitted.


  1. Click on the three dots in the Action column under the Order History heading.
  2. Select View details. The Order Details will generate and display on the screen as an invoice.

Order Details Screen shows the details of your order. as an invoice.

  1. Click Close to return back to the Ordering screen.


No Order Details generated

If the requested order details screen cannot be generated, you will see the following message:

No Order Details generated Popup message "Not enough information available to generate order details.



Apply Filters and Show My Orders Only

You can view order history by applying filters to view specific orders or use the "Show my orders only" option. You can also combine the filters with "Show my orders only".

Apply Filters

You can choose to apply filters to search for a specific order you may have placed before.

Apply Filters Popup

  1. Click the Table Filter button on the right side of the screen. The filter popup appears.

Note:     To remove all previous selections and entries, click Reset.

  1. Click on the Column Name field and choose one of the following:
  1. Click on the Filter field and choose one of the following:
  1. Click on the Search field and enter text or digits that you are searching for.

Note:     To apply more filters, click +Add Filter and follow steps 2 to 4.

  1. Click Apply. The results of your search will display in the Order History section.


Show my orders only

You can select to see only order that you have submitted. 

Show my orders only

  1. Click on the box next to "Show my orders only" and the checkmark will appear in the box.

The Order History section will automatically update with all orders that were submitted through MD2 by the logged in user.



Maximum Order Limit

All the items have maximum limits for the order transaction. Devices and accessories have various quantity limits. When you attempt to add a higher quantity of an item and have reached the maximum limit, you will see messages like the following:

Maximum Device limit of 5

You can order a maximum of 5 of the same device on an order (across different carries, if it applicable).

Maximum Device limit of 5 Popup message "You can order maximum of 5 of (device name) in one order.


Maximum Paper Roll limit of 10

You can order a maximum of 10 of any other non-device item.

Maximum Paper Roll limit of 10 Popup message "You can order maximum of 10 of (item name) in one order.


Cancel Order

You can choose to cancel the order at any time.

  1. Click on the Cancel order button.

The Cancel order popup will appears.

Cancel Order Popup message "Are you sure you would like to cancel? Your current order details will be cleared and your session will start over.".

  1. Choose one of the following:

Note:     When there is only one associated merchant, you would return to the Ordering screen.


Leave Site or Screen

Leave Site

Should you leave the site at anytime before submitting and confirming your order, items ordered to this point will not be saved. This will only appear if you have added at least one item to the order.

You will see the "Changes you made may not be saved" message.

Leave site Popup message  "Changes you made may not be saved.".

  1. Choose one of the following:

Leave Screen

Should you navigate to another screen within Merchant Direct 2 before submitting and confirming your order, items ordered to this point may not be saved.

You will see the "Your order will not be saved if you exit" message.

Leave Screen Popup message "Your order will not be saved if you exit" Would you like to proceed?".

  1. Choose one of the following: