Assisted UnionPay Completion

Follow these instructions to complete or to cancel an assisted UnionPay pre-authorization.  

From the Main menu, tap Transactions, Additional Transactions, Assisted UnionPay, then Completion.

Respond to any security prompts that appear.

The terminal prompts you to "Please enter the sequence number of the pre-authorized transaction you would like to complete".

Enter the 6-digit sequence number from the receipt of the pre-authorization transaction, then tap OK.

The terminal displays any matching transactions.

Tap the pre-authorization transaction you wish to complete or cancel.

If only one pre-authorization was found, go directly to step 4.

If there are no matching pre-authorization transactions:

Tap Back to re-enter the sequence number; or

Tap Cancel to cancel the completion process.

The terminal prompts you to "Please enter the completion amount".

Do one of the following:

To complete the pre-authorization, enter the final purchase amount and tap OK.

To cancel the pre-authorization and release the pre-authorized funds, enter a single zero then tap OK.

The "Processing your request" message appears.

When "Transaction Approved" appears, tap OK.

Process the printed receipts.

A customer signature is always required for UnionPay transactions, so the merchant copy of the receipt is always printed.  Ask the customer to sign the merchant copy of the receipt.