Purchase in restaurant mode

When you enable Core Restaurant on your terminal, the default transaction is Purchase. A Purchase allows the customers at a table to pay their bill.

Splitting the bill

Here is a summary of the different ways in which you can handle the bill for a table:

Process full amount in one payment

Split by amount

Split by dollar amount (for example, there are 3 customers. The first 2 customers pay a specific dollar amount, and the third customer pays the remaining amount of the bill)

Split by number of people (for example, there are 4 customers and they spilt the bill equally, with each one paying 25% of the bill)

Split by seat/check (each customer pays for their own order)

Purchase - step by step instructions

Follow these steps to perform a Purchase transaction in restaurant mode.

enter server ID

Enter your server ID and tap OK (or swipe your server card, if supported) to retrieve your open tables.

If you do not see the Server ID screen, press the red key.

tables and amounts

The terminal displays your open tables.

On the screen, tap the table you wish to process.

You can also search for a table by tapping the search field and entering the table name or number as appropriate

Options for splitting the bill

The terminal displays the dollar amount owed by the selected table, along with the options for payment:

Tap one of the following options (or press the corresponding number on the keypad):

1 Pay full amount (Refer to Pay full amount)

2 Split by check (Refer to Split by check )

3 Split by amount (Refer to Split by amount )


Pay full amount

Full payment - method of paymenet?

You selected "Pay full amount". The terminal prompts you to ask the customer how they would like to pay.

Select Card, Cash, or Gift Manual Entry.

Choose Card when the customer wants to pay by credit card, debit card, or gift card.

If your integration settings are not configured for cash and gift card manual entry, the terminal will skip this screen.


Pass terminal to guest

Pass the terminal to your guest.

This prompt appears only if configured.


Proceed to Customer enters tip and card.


Split by check

List of checks and amounts owing

You selected "Split by check". The terminal displays a list showing each seat/check and the amount owing.

On the screen, tap the seat/check you wish to process.



Seat 1 payment methods

The terminal prompts you to ask the customer how they would like to pay.

Select Card, Cash, or Gift Manual Entry.

Choose Card when the customer wants to pay by credit card, debit card, or gift card.

If your integration settings are not configured for cash and gift card manual entry, the terminal will skip this screen.

Pass terminal to guest

Pass the terminal to your guest.

This prompt appears only if configured.

Proceed to Customer enters tip and card.



Seat/Check 1 completed

After each customer pays, the terminal re-displays the list of seats/checks, indicating which ones are paid.

Select the next seat/check to process until all customers have paid their bill.

Split by amount (dollar amount or number of guests)

Split by amount

You selected "Split by amount". The terminal prompts you to ask your guests how they will be splitting the bill.

Select one of the following:

1 Dollar amount (Refer to step 2)

2 Number of people (Refer to step 8)

To review what these options mean, refer to Splitting the bill.

purchase amount for first guest

You selected "Dollar amount". The terminal prompts you to enter the dollar amount to be paid by the first customer.

Enter the dollar amount and tap OK.


Guest 1 payment methods

The terminal prompts you to ask the customer how they would like to pay.

Select Card, Cash, or Gift Manual Entry.

Choose Card when the customer wants to pay by credit card, debit card, or gift card.

If your integration settings are not configured for cash and gift card manual entry, the terminal will skip this screen.

Pass terminal to guest

Pass the terminal to your guest.

This prompt appears only if configured.

Proceed to Customer enters tip and card.


Next guest purchase amt

After the first customer pays, the terminal prompts you to enter the dollar amount for the second customer. Continue with the next customer until all customers have paid their bill.

Proceed to All checks closed.

Divide by how many guests?

You selected "Number of people". The terminal prompts you to enter the number of guests that will be splitting the bill.

Enter the number of guests and tap OK.


payment methods

The terminal prompts you to ask the customer how they would like to pay.

Select Card, Cash, or Gift Manual Entry.

Choose Card when the customer wants to pay by credit card, debit card, or gift card.

If your integration settings are not configured for cash and gift card manual entry, the terminal will skip this screen.

pass terminal to guest

Pass the terminal to your guest.

This prompt appears only if configured to do.

Proceed to Customer enters tip and card.


payment methods

After the first customer pays, the terminal prompts you to process payment for the next customer. Continue until all customers have paid their bill.

Customer enters tip and card

Would you like to leave a tip?

The terminal displays the tip entry screen (if tipping is enabled).

The customer enters a tip amount or chooses no tip.

Tap, insert, or swipe

The terminal displays the final purchase amount and prompts the customer to tap, insert, or swipe their card.

Do one of the following:

If there are more guests for the selected table, continue to process payments.

If this is the last guest for the selected table, proceed to All checks closed.

All checks closed

The table has been closed

This is the final step when all seats/checks have been closed for the selected table, regardless of how the bill was split among the seats/checks.

When the terminal displays “The table has been closed,” tap OK.

The terminal returns to the Server ID screen.