Gift & Loyalty - Transaction inquiry

This report shows gift and loyalty card transactions by card number and/or transaction date. You can choose to display or print the receipt for a transaction.

From the Main menu, tap Reports, Transaction Reports, Gift and Loyalty Reports, then Gift & Loyalty Trans. Inquiry.

The Transaction Inquiry screen appears.

Choose one of these options:

To search by card number, tap the Card Number field, enter the last 4 digits of the gift card, then tapĀ OK.

To search by date, tap the Date field, enter the desired date, then tap OK.

To search for gift or loyalty card transactions for a specific card on a specific date, enter a value in both fields.

Once you have entered a value in the card number field or the date field or both, tap OK to proceed with your inquiry.

To go back and change a value, tap Back.

The terminal displays the transaction(s) found with the dollar amount, or indicates there are no transactions that match your search values.

For each item found, tap the transaction to see more details.

The terminal displays the transactions details.

Choose one of these options:

To print a receipt for the displayed transaction, tap 1 Reprint Receipt or press 1 on the keypad;

To return to your search results, tap Back.

To end the Transaction Inquiry and return to the Gift and Loyalty Reports menu, tap OK.