Partially approved gift card purchase

A Partial Approval of a gift card purchase occurs when the customer pays for a purchase with a gift card but the value on the gift card is less than the purchase amount.

Follow the gift card Purchase transaction.

The terminal approves the partial amount tendered on the gift card, then displays the amount still owing. For example:

Amount due      $10.00

Tender type?

The customer taps 1 Card or 2 Cash to process another partial approval.

The amount due can be paid by any tender type, for example, another gift card, a credit card, a debit card, or cash.

Process all gift cards first before using another tender type. The customer may have more than one gift card.

Follow the merchant prompts on screen for each tender type offered by the customer until the total purchase amount is paid.

If the Cardholder copy of a receipt is printed, give it to the customer.

Additional information

Customer prompts for gift card transactions