Card not present (CNP) transactions

If your business receives orders by Internet, mail, or telephone, you can process these transactions by enabling the Allow Card Not Present feature. This allows you to process transactions without the cardholder and their card being present in your place of business.

The key difference between regular transactions and CNP transactions is that the cardholder and their card are not normally present. This means that:

Only credit card (and some debit cards, such as Visa debit and Mastercard debit) transactions are permitted

CNP transactions are performed by keying in the card number, the expiry date, and any card verification value (CVV). The card cannot be swiped or inserted or tapped.

The cardholder signature is not required.

The tip prompt will not appear even if tipping is turned on.

There are delivery/print options for cardholder receipts. Refer to Card Not Present receipts for more information. Moneris recommends printing the Merchant copy and retaining it for your records.


Here are the CNP transactions that are allowed on your terminal.

Card Not Present Purchase

Card Not Present Refund

Card Not Present Pre-authorization

Card Not Present Completion

Card Not Present receipts