Troubleshooting restaurant POS integration

Understanding restaurant POS integration

Request and response messages

Merchant support for integration

Request and response messages

Your Moneris terminal obtains table information by sending request messages to your restaurant POS. For example, the terminal sends the “getTables” request to obtain table information for an individual employee or server. If you experience problems related to table information, review the request and response messages shown here. For assistance, contact your restaurant POS provider / integrator.

Request message Details

Retrieves the open tables for an employee when they log on to the terminal to process a purchase.

An integrator can choose to have table numbers, table names or a mix of both via the “tableName” element on the getTables response message. “tableName” can be any value provided by the restaurant POS, such as table numbers, invoice/receipt numbers, or table names

If a table has a name (for example, a customer named Jordan ordered take out) the employee will see a table with the name Jordan in the table list.

Moneris Core Restaurant will display tables in the order they are provided in the “getTables” response message

If the terminal is unable to communicate with the restaurant POS, check your terminal configuration settings. Refer to Setting up restaurant POS integration on your terminal.

If the terminal does not receive a valid response message, review any error messages sent from the restaurant POS, and contact your restaurant POS provider or your integrator as applicable.


Retrieves information for a specific table selected by the employee. The response message can include various optional elements:

Receipt element: sends receipt information to the terminal; this can be incorporated into e-receipts.

“preTaxAmount” element: sends the pre-tax subtotal to the terminal. This allows a customer to tip on the pre-tax amount as long as this feature is enabled in the terminal’s integration settings

If your terminal fails to display information for a specific table, or fails to retrieve a specific element, contact your restaurant POS provider or your integrator as applicable.


After a successful payment on the Moneris terminal, the terminal sends an “applyPayment” request to the restaurant POS to apply payment information to the check and ensure both systems are in sync.

If the restaurant POS does not respond, contact your restaurant POS provider or your integrator as applicable.

If the restaurant POS responds with an error message, the terminal resends the “applyPayment” request. If the restaurant POS responds with an error message again, the terminal stops retrying and requires an employee to manually sync the restaurant POS with the payment data.

Merchant support for integration

Integration support

Contact your POS provider/integrator.

Financial and operational support

Refer to Moneris Customer Care.