Code 10 situations

During a transaction, if you feel that a customer, card, or transaction is suspicious and needs investigating, call Moneris Customer Care at 1-866-319-7450 and state that the call is a Code 10. This will alert the Moneris operator without alarming your customer. The operator will ask you some "Yes/No” questions and then provide instructions.

Reasons for calling in a Code 10 include:

larger than normal transaction size.

cardholder is asking to manually enter the card number.

there is no chip on a domestically-issued credit card *Visa/MasterCard/Discover/Amex).

card security features appear to be altered (i.e. card brand appears blurry or incorrect, no expiry date, etc.).

cardholder is asking to ship the product to an address far away or under someone else's name.

cardholder provides multiple credit cards and some result in a declined message.

cardholder is being aggressive.

the signature on the credit card does not seem to match the signature on the Purchase receipt.

the name on the card is inconsistent with the person's gender.

the customer is purchasing an unusual number of expensive items.

the customer's purchases seem randomly selected, with little regards for size, quality, or value.