Security Settings

This feature allows the customer to set a security level of High or Medium for a specific menu or transaction option. Only those users will have the ability to complete any of those tasks. To set the security settings you may be prompted to enter User ID. The User ID is not the same as their Clerk ID.

Follow these steps to:

From the Main menu, tap Settings > Application > Security.

Respond to any security prompts that appear .

To view or change settings, tap each menu item and follow the instructions in the table.

Security Access

Tap each field to set the security level for the specified menu or transaction. Tap Save when done.

Temporary Lockcode

Key in a temporary lockcode, consisting of 4 to 10 digits.

Add New Passcode

Tap each field and enter a value then tap Save.


  • The passcode must be 4 to 10 digits.

  • You cannot use 3 or more consecutive numbers such as 12358 or 654975.

  • You cannot repeat  a number 3 times or more, such as 99975 or 85111.

Personal Identifier:

  • This field is optional.

  • It can be letters or numbers.

  • It could be the person's name or employee number, or other descriptor such as Day Shift or Night Shift.

  • It does not have to be unique — it can be assigned to more than one passcode.

User ID: The User ID must be 1 to 4 digits long, for example, 0001.

Access Level:  The access level can medium security or high security.

  • High security passcodes have access to all terminal functions.

  • The first passcode you set up on the terminal must be high security. This passcode will have the ability to assign medium level or high level passcodes to other users.

  • A maximum of 5 High Level User IDs and 50 Medium Level Users IDs can be added.

Change Passcode

Tap each field and enter the required information, then tap Save:
  • User ID

  • Existing passcode

  • New passcode.  

    • The passcode must be 4 to 10 digits.

    • You cannot use 3 or more consecutive numbers such as 12358 or 654975.

    • You cannot repeat  a number 3 times or more, such as 99975 or 85111.

Forgot Passcode

Resetting a medium security passcode

A user with a high security passcode can reset a medium security passcode.

Tap Medium Sec. Passcode.

Note: If all your user IDs are at the same security level, you will not see this screen.

Enter the user ID of the medium security user who forgot their passcode, then tap Next.

Tap the New Passcode field, enter a new passcode for the user who forgot their passcode. If needed, review the passcode rules.

Tap the User ID and Passcode fields, enter your high security user ID and passcode, then tap Save.

The terminal saves the new passcode, and then displays “Passcode Saved”.

Tap Passcode Saved to clear the message.

Give the new passcode to the medium security user who can then change it to a confidential passcode using the Change Passcode.

Resetting a high security passcode

A high security passcode user can allow another high security user to reset their passcode using this procedure, with assistance from Moneris.

Tap High Security Passcode.

Note: If all your user IDs are at the same security level, you will not see this screen.

Enter the user ID of the high security user who forgot their passcode, then tap Next.

Tap the New Passcode field, enter a new passcode, re-enter the passcode, then tap OK. If needed, review the passcode rules .

 Call Moneris to obtain an unlock code. We will ask you for the unlock token found at the top of the screen.

Tap the Unlock Code field and enter the unlock code provided by Moneris, then tap OK.

Tap Save.

Tap Passcode Saved.

Delete Passcode

Tap each field and enter the required information.
  • User ID

  • Existing passcode

Note:   If the employee has left the company, it is possible to delete their passcode using only the User ID. The passcode is no longer required to perform this task.  

When you are finished, tap Save.

The screen returns to the Security Settings menu.

When the notification message (Settings Saved or Passcode Added/Saved/Changed/Deleted) appears, press the green  key to clear the message.

Do one of the following:

To go to the default screen, press the red cancel key.  Enter clerk ID if needed.

To go to the Main menu, press the menu key.