Receipt settings

Follow these steps to:


From the Main menu, tap Settings > Application or Quick Setup > Receipt.

Respond to any security prompts that appear .

To change these settings, follow the instructions in the table.

Cardholder Choice

Tap the toggle to turn this setting on or off.

Turn this feature on to give your customers a choice of how to receive their receipts.

The following options can be set only when Cardholder Choice is turned on.  Tap the toggle beside each option to turn the option on or off.

Note: The option to print the receipt does not appear on the list since a printed receipt must always be available to the customer.

Text Receipt:  Turn this option on if you wish to allow your customers to receive their receipt by text.

Email Receipt:  Turn this option on if you wish to allow your customers to receive their receipt by email.

No Receipt:  Turn this option on to allow your customers to choose not to receive a receipt.

If you turn off these three options, the terminal will automatically print the customer receipt without any prompt.

Print Delay

The print delay determines how long the terminal pauses between printing the customer receipt and printing the merchant receipt.

To change the default of 3 seconds, tap the Print Delay field, enter a new value (in seconds), then tap OK.

Number of Merchant Receipts

This setting determines how many copies of the merchant receipt are printed.

To change the default value, tap the field, select a new value, then tap OK.

Header Settings

The header settings allow you to print information at the top of your receipts, such as the name of your business, your address, city, and province.

To set up a header for your receipts, tap Header Settings, choose a language, tap each field you want to fill out, enter the text you wish, then tap OK.

Footer Settings

The footer settings allow you to print information at the end of your receipts, such as a holiday greeting, an offer, or promotional message.

To set up a footer for your receipts, tap Footer Settings, choose a language, tap each field you want to fill out, enter the text you wish, then tap OK.

When you are finished setting the receipt options, tap Save.

The screen returns to the Application Settings menu (or the Quick Setup menu if you accessed it from there).

When “Settings Saved” appears, press the green  key to clear the message.

Do one of the following:

To go to the default screen, press the red cancel key.  Enter clerk ID if needed.

To go to the Main menu, press the menu key.

More information

Quick Setup

Application Settings