Clerk Settings

Follow these steps to:

Turning on clerk IDs allows you to identify which clerk processed a transaction.  You can then generate reports such as transaction totals by clerk and tip totals by clerk.

From the Main menu, tap Settings > Application or Quick Setup > Clerk

Respond to any security prompts that appear .

To change the settings, follow the instructions in the table.

Enable Clerk IDs

Tap the toggle to turn this setting on or off.

Turn this setting on if you want the terminal to prompt for a clerk ID.  

Display Clerk IDs

Tap the toggle to display the current list of clerk IDs.  

The terminal connects to Moneris to retrieve the list of clerks.

Note: Your terminal must be connected to Moneris.  

+ Add Clerk ID

Tap this menu item to add a clerk ID.

Note: This menu item appears only after you turn on "Display Clerk IDs".

Key in a new clerk ID (minimum 1 and maximum 6 digits), then tap Save.

When you are finished setting the Clerk ID options, tap Save.

The screen returns to the Application Settings menu (or the Quick Setup menu if you accessed it from there).

When “Settings Saved” appears, press the green  key to clear the message.

Do one of the following:

To go to the default screen, press the red cancel key.  Enter clerk ID if needed.

To go to the Main menu, press the menu key.


Note:     If a device is replaced, then only Clerk Subtotaling needs to be turned on.

More information

Quick Setup

Application Settings