Multi-terminal support

This function allows you to perform the Close Batch function on all terminals or a group of terminals associated with the same merchant number, from one of the terminals. For example, if you have 15 named terminals associated with your merchant number, you simply perform a multi-terminal batch close on one of the 15 terminals and the batches on  all 15 terminals will be closed at the same time.

The totals (for example, terminal totals, clerk totals, tip totals) are cleared on the terminal that performs the multi-terminal batch close, but the totals are not cleared on the associated terminals.

To use multi-terminal batch close:

Ensure that all terminals are using the same merchant ID.

Enable multi-terminal support on the terminal that will be used to close the batches of the associated terminals, and give that terminal a name;

On each of the associated terminals, enable multi-terminal support and give the terminal a name;

Once these settings are completed, you may perform a merchant-initiated multi-terminal batch close.

Multi-terminal batch close applies only to merchants who close their own batches.  It does not apply to merchants using system close where Moneris closes your batch automatically at the end of the day.