These instructions have been simplified to emphasize the DCC prompts. If you have enabled optional settings, refer to the additional references at the end of this page.
Note: Process refunds using the same currency as the original purchase transaction. Refer to the cardholder copy of the receipt or your own copy.
Note: The Refund amount will be less than the original purchase amount for two reasons: the fee paid by the cardholder for the DCC service is not refunded, and the currency conversion rate may fluctuate.
Note: To refund a partially approved purchase, use the TOTAL PAID amount on the Partial Approval receipt.
1. Press Admin key, select TRANSACTIONS, and then select REFUND.
• If SWIPE ADMIN CARD appears, swipe your POS admin card.
2. Key in the transaction amount in Canadian dollars, and press the
green key.
3. Key in the 6-digit AUTH# from the original transaction receipt, and
press the green key.
The SWIPE/INSERT/TAP CARD prompt appears.
4. Swipe or insert the card on the terminal.
5. The terminal recognizes that the card is a foreign credit card and displays the DCC REFUND? prompt.
6. Choose one of the following options:
· If the original transaction was processed in a foreign currency, select YES.
· If the original transaction was processed in Canadian currency (or you don’t know whether the original transaction was processed in Canadian currency), select NO.
7. The terminal displays PLEASE WAIT, PROCESSING, then APPROVED.
8. Process any receipts that are printed.