The Moneris Gift/Loyalty program allows you to offer your customers two electronic card-based programs that are activated and processed through the iWl220 terminal:
Gift Cards: allows you to offer your customers stored-value gift cards for pre-defined dollar values as well as variable-value cards and rechargeable cards.
Loyalty Points: allows you to reward customer loyalty by awarding points based on the dollar value of Purchases a cardholder makes.
To enable a gift/loyalty program on your terminal:
2. Enable Ernex on the terminal.
3. Initialize the terminal to the Moneris Host.
IMPORTANT: If you process more than one card plan with Moneris, maintain a list of the card names along with the first 14-character card description that will be displayed on the terminal screen during step 6 of the Transaction Inquiry report. This will allow the terminal operator to easily identify which card plan description to select.
4. If you wish to enable Tip Prompting (gift Purchases only):
a. Enable the gift/loyalty Tip Entry parameter.
b. If you wish to define a default the Tip Percentage, configure the gift/loyalty Tip Percentage parameter.