Voiding a Loyalty Transaction: SI Mode

In Semi-Integrated mode, void (correct) a loyalty card transaction in the open batch.

IMPORTANT: A void must be performed in the same batch and for the same amount as the original transaction. To reverse a loyalty card purchase transaction in a closed batch or for a partial amount, you must process a loyalty refund.

1. Start the transaction from your ECR:

a. Select the void transaction type.

b. Select the loyalty tender type.

c. Enter the reference number (found on the original loyalty receipt).

d. If required, enter the following data:

• clerk ID

• invoice number

e. Send the transaction request.

2. Continue the transaction on the iCT250 terminal:

a. When SWIPE ADMIN CARD appears, swipe the POS admin card.

b. When SWIPE OR ENTER CARD appears, enter the loyalty card data on the terminal (continue in the "Gift/Loyalty Void Transaction," and begin at step 4 of that procedure).

3. Process the transaction receipts.

If your ECR is configured to print receipts, refer to "Printing Loyalty Card Receipts: SI Mode"once the loyalty transaction has been completed.