Admin password unlock timer

When you set the admin password to protect manual entry, the admin password unlock timer is also enabled. If the password becomes locked, it will be unlocked automatically when the unlock timer expires.

The unlock timer feature is useful in situations where the manual entry function is locked if you entered the admin password incorrectly 4 times in a row. If this happens, you can simply wait for the timer to expire for the password to unlock itself. You

do not need to contact the Moneris service centre to unlock the password, nor do you need to change the password. Your current password will continue to work after the timer expires.

If the password is locked, the unlock timer will start when the PASSWORD LOCKED CALL SERVICE CENTRE 1234 message displays.

·         The unlock timer runs in the background.

·         Be aware of the number of minutes on the unlock timer since there is no notification to indicate the timer has expired.

·         The password is unlocked automatically when the timer expires.

Setting the admin password unlock timer

When you enable the admin password, the unlock password timer is also enabled and set to a default value of 15 minutes.

·         If the default expiry period of 15 minutes is acceptable, no action is required.

·         If you wish to change the default expiry period, follow these steps.