If you have edited a trailer message, you can reset the message to the original text.
IMPORTANT: If you edit or change an English trailer message, ensure that you also edit the corresponding French message. The trailer message that prints on the cardholder receipt is determined by the language on the card's magnetic stripe.
For example: If you reset Option 1 to the original English text, make sure to reset the French Option 1 message as well.
To navigate through the menus:
- Scroll down: press the key to move the highlight bar down.
- Scroll up: press the key to move the highlight bar up.
- Select a highlighted item: press the key.
For information about the keys...
From the READY screen:
1. Press the key.
2. Scroll down to CONFIGURATION, and press the key.
The CONFIG FUNCS menu appears.
3. Scroll down to PRINTER CONFIG, and press the key.
If the SWIPE ADMIN CARD prompt appears, swipe the POS Admin card.
The PRINTER CFG menu appears.
4. Scroll down to TRAILER MSG, and press the key.
The ACTIVE TRAILER MSG menu appears.
5. Select the trailer message option you wish to reset to the original text:
a. Scroll down to the trailer message option, and press the key.
b. Scroll down and select INITIAL TEXT (i.e., press the key).
The RESET MSG TO ITS INITIAL TEXT? prompt appears.
c. Press the key (YES) to confirm that you wish to reset the trailer message to the original text.
The ACTIVE TRAILER MSG menu re-appears.
6. Press the key four times to return to the READY screen.