Total Sales report

Important: The user interface for this report is currently being developed.  However, you can still download and view the data for a specific date range. You can also see basic sales data in the Transactions report. 

The Total Sales report shows the total revenue from your store, including: 

Access the report

Total sales page

To access the Total sales report:

  1. Click Reports on the main menu.  The Transactions report appears by default. 
  2. Next to Transactions, click Total Sales.

Download the report

Follow these steps to select a date range and download data. 

Date range panel
  1. Click on the date range field.  
  2. Select one of the predefined date ranges, for example, this week or this month. 
  • To select a custom range, go to step 3. 
  • To download the data, go to step 4. 
date picker for custom range
  1. To select a custom range:    
    1. Click Custom range.
    2. Select the month and year of the starting date.
    3. Click the first day and the last day in your custom date range.  The days in between are automatically selected.   
    4. Click Apply.  Or, click Back to return to the predefined ranges.


choose download format
  1. The date range you selected appears in the date range field.  (To correct it, return to step 1.) 
    1. Click the download icon to begin downloading the data. 
    2. Click CSV or Excel.
    3. The report downloads immediately to your computer.  Check the Downloads folder or wherever your downloaded files are stored.