Assign multiple products to a category

You can assign categories to a single product when adding the product. However, you can also add multiple products to a category or remove multiple products from a category by following these steps.  

  1. On the main menu, click Products
Products page -> Categories
  1. On the Products page, click Categories to view the Category list.
List of options for categories
  1. In the "Category list," hold your mouse over the category to which you want to assign products.  
  2. At the end of the row, click the options  icon. 
  3. On the list of options, click Manage products
specific category showing products assigned
  1. A panel appears for the category showing a list of products currently assigned to the category.  
  2. Click Manage products


Manage products panel
  1. In the “Manage products” panel, select the products you want to assign to the current category.  There are several ways to do this:
  • To select (or deselect) a product, click the checkbox next to it. 
  • To select all the products in the list, click the checkbox next to the Name heading. Clicking the checkbox again will deselect all products. 
  • If a product is not visible in the panel, use the search box to search for it and then select it. 
  1. Click Save
specific category with products assigned
  1. The category panel reappears showing the products assigned to the category including any changes you made.
  2. To close the category panel, click the x in the top right corner or click anywhere outside the panel.  The Categories screen reappears.