Add a subcategory

If most or many of your products fall into a specific category, think about how you might look for those products.  What subcategories would be useful to find products quickly when a customer is ready to make a purchase? You may want to write out the subcategories or record them in a spreadsheet.

Follow these steps to add a subcategory. 

Option to add a subcategory
  1. In the Category list, hold your mouse over the category under which you want to create a subcategory. 
  2. At the end of the row, click the options  icon. 
  3. On the list of options, click Add subcategory
Add subcategory panel 4.    The “Add subcategory” panel appears.  In the Name field, enter the name of the subcategory you want to create and click Save
Category list expanded
  1. The Categories page reappears showing the new subcategory in the Category list.  You may have to click the arrow at the left of the category to expand it to see the subcategories. 
  2. Continue adding more subcategories as needed. 
Option to add a subcategory
  1. To create a subcategory under another subcategory, hold your mouse over the subcategory, click on the options  icon, and click Add subcategory.

Tip: You can create up to 9 levels of subcategories for a total of 10 levels including the top level.