Create kitchen profiles

Create a kitchen profile for each “kitchen” where orders are prepared. Follow the instructions below to create kitchen profiles.  

Note:    The term “kitchen” refers to an area of your restaurant where orders are routed to prepare menu items. This can include a bar that prepares beverages, seasonal outdoor cooking stations (like BBQs on the patio), a salad station, a dessert station, etc. 

  1. On the portal’s main menu, click Settings
  2. On the Settings screen, click the Kitchens tab at the top of the screen. 
  3. On the Kitchens tab, click the Create kitchen button. The Create kitchen account side panel appears. 
  4. Enter a name for the kitchen; for example, Main kitchen, Salads, Desserts.  
  5. To make this kitchen the default kitchen for all newly created menu categories, click the checkbox beside "Set as default kitchen".
  6. Enter an optional description for this kitchen.
    Create kitchen panel
  7. Click the Create button at the bottom of the panel. The panel closes and the kitchen profile appears in the Settings – Kitchens screen. 
  8. Repeat steps 3 – 7 to create other kitchen profiles as needed. 
  9. Now that you have created one or more new kitchens, refer to Assign a kitchen to each menu category