Discount setup
Follow the instructions below to create discount profiles. These discounts can be applied when your customers checkout.

- On the portal’s main screen, click Settings.
- On the Settings screen, click the General tab at the top of the screen. The Offers screen appears.
- Click the Create discount button. The Create discount side panel appears.
- Click inside the Discount name field and enter a name for your discount.
- Click inside the Value field and enter a value as follows:
- If your discount is a dollar value, enter the dollar as a decimal value. For example, if you are offering a $5 off coupon, enter in “5.00” and then proceed to step 7.
- If your discount is a percentage, enter the percentage as a whole number. For example, if you are offering a 20% off special, enter “20” into the field, and then proceed to step 6.
- Click the $ drop-down menu and select %.
- Click the Save button in the bottom right corner of the side panel. The Settings screen reappears showing the discount you created.
- Repeat steps 3-7 to create other discounts as necessary.