Transaction settings menu

To view this menu: From the Main menu, tap Settings, Application, Transaction.

Respond to any security prompts that appear .

Menu item Function


Enable cashback and set the cashback values.

Miscellaneous Transactions
  • Surcharge prompt
  • Invoice prompt
  • Card not present

Turn on or off these features:

Surcharge* prompt;

invoice prompt;

card not present transactions.

To turn each feature on or off:

Tap the toggle beside it.

Tap Save.

Press the Menu key to return to the Main menu

*The operator of this Terminal charges a fee for INTERAC Debit Transactions. This fee is in addition to any fees that your financial institution may charge.

Miscellaneous Transactions Pass Terminal Timer

The Pass Terminal Timer sets the number of seconds to display the "Please pass the terminal to your customer" pop-up before the pop-up disappears and the next step in the transaction is displayed to the customer.

If this value is set to zero, the pop-up is never displayed and the terminal goes directly to the next transaction step which is a customer-facing step.  

The default value is 1 second, which is the recommended setting.  

Longer timeout values can be specified, and the merchant in that case may need to press the green  key to remove the pop-up before the timer expires.

To change the value:

Tap the field that shows the value.

Enter a new value using the keypad.

Tap OK.

Tap Save.

Press the Menu key to return to the Main menu.

Miscellaneous Transactions Customizable Default Screen

When you receive your terminal, the customizable default screen is set to Purchase. To change the default screen:

Tap the Default Screen field.

Tap one of the options on the drop-down list to select a new default screen.

Tap Save.

Press the Menu key to return to the Main menu.