During a transaction, if you feel that a customer, card or transaction is suspicious and needs investigating, call Moneris Customer Care at 1-866-319-7450 and state that the call is a Code 10. This will alert the Moneris operator without alarming your customer. The operator will ask you some "Yes/No” questions and then provide instructions.
Reasons for calling in a Code 10 include:
§ larger than normal transaction size
§ cardholder is asking to manually enter the card number
§ there is no chip on a domestically-issued credit card (Visa/MasterCard/Discover/Amex)
§ card security features appear to be altered (i.e. Card Brand appears blurry or incorrect, no expiry date, etc.)
§ cardholder is asking to ship the product to an address far away or under someone else’s name
§ cardholder provides multiple credit cards and some result in a declined message
§ cardholder is being aggressive
§ the signature on the credit card does not seem to match the signature on the Purchase receipt.
§ the name on the card is inconsistent with the person’s gender.
§ the customer is purchasing an unusual number of expensive items.
§ the customer’s purchases seem randomly selected, with little regard for size, quality or value.