Gift card entry options
Tap, insert, or swipe
Tap, insert, or swipe the gift card when prompted.
You can also scan the gift card if there is a bar code on the back of the card.
- On the transaction screen (Purchase, for example), tap the card entry field to display the list of card entry options.
- Tap Scan then Ok to activate the terminal’s rear camera.
- Hold the gift card below the terminal so that the bar code of the gift card is visible on the screen.
- The application automatically reads the bar code and retrieves the card information.
Manual entry
You can manually key in a customer’s gift card information for a card-not-present transaction, that is, a transaction where the customer is not present at your place of business.
- On the transaction screen (Purchase, for example), tap the card entry field (Tap, insert or swipe) to display the list of card entry options.
- Tap Manual entry then Ok.
Note: To use “Manual entry”, the option must be enabled in your user role and enabled in Transaction settings.
- When prompted, enter the card information:
- card number
- CVV, a 3-digit number located on the back of the card
- You do not have to enter an expiry date for Moneris gift cards.
To use “Manual entry”, the option must be enabled in your user role and enabled in Transaction settings.