Guidelines for DCC transactions

Follow these guidelines to ensure that DCC works smoothly on your terminal.

Method of card entry: The cardholder must swipe or insert their card. If both of these methods fail, you may manually enter the card number. Contactless entry (tap) is not supported for DCC transactions.

Mandatory customer selection: When prompted to select a currency, the cardholder must respond by using the keys on the terminal (or the external PINpad if applicable). You must not select for the cardholder or influence them to choose one currency over another.

Card present only: The cardholder must be present to choose a currency. This means that Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions are not supported for DCC.

Training mode: DCC is available on your terminal’s training mode. For training purposes, the foreign currency will always display as Japanese yen (JPY).



·         All instructions begin at the PURCHASE ENTER AMOUNT screen, also known as the READY screen.

·         The instructions are shown with the minimum steps required to perform the transaction. If you have enabled optional settings, you may see additional prompts on the screen.

·         If you are using the optional external PINpad on the iCT250, the cardholder prompts will appear on the PINpad. This means you will not have to pass the terminal to the cardholder to obtain their input. The cardholder will select the currency of their choice on the external PINpad.