Gift Card Void

Void a gift card transaction when it has been entered incorrectly and the gift card batch is still open.

Important: A void must be performed in the same batch and for the same amount as the original transaction.  Perform a refund, instead of a void, in these situations:

The original transaction you want to reverse is in a closed batch.

The original transaction you want to reverse is in the open batch but you need to refund only part of the purchase amount.

Note:     Voids cannot be completed if the card is not present. The void must be processed as a refund.

From the Main menu, tap Transactions, then Void.

The Void menu appears.

Follow the instructions in one of the columns in the table below. If the last transaction you performed was a gift transaction and you wish to void it, tap Last Transaction.  Otherwise, tap Search for transaction.

Void last transaction Search for transaction to void
  1. Tap Last transaction.
    The terminal displays the last completed transaction that can be voided.

  2. Verify that this is the transaction you want to void by checking the card number (PAN), the dollar amount, as well as the date and time.

  1. Tap Search for transaction.

  2. Enter the authorization number of the gift card transaction you want to void. To locate the authorization number, see gift card receipt sample.
    The terminal searches the current gift batch and displays the transaction(s) that match the authorization number you entered.

  3. Verify that this is the transaction you want to void by checking the card number (PAN), the dollar amount, as well as the date and time.

  1. Tap OK to proceed with voiding the transaction.

To cancel the Void operation, tap Cancel.

  1. Tap OK to proceed with voiding the transaction.

To cancel the Void operation, tap Cancel.

Pass the terminal to your customer so they can respond to the customer prompts.

The “Swipe or enter Gift card”prompt appears, showing the total amount to be voided.

The customer swipes their gift card on the terminal

The “Processing your request” message appears.

Once the transaction is approved, the “How would you like your receipt?” prompt appears, showing the customer the available options for receiving a receipt: 1 Email, 2 Text, 3 Print, and 4 None.


The customer selects a receipt format (or no receipt) by tapping one of the options on screen or by pressing the corresponding number on the keypad.

The “Transaction Complete/Please pass terminal back to clerk” prompt appears. The terminal begins printing receipts, as required.

The customer passes the terminal back to you. Press the green  key to continue if needed.

When “Transaction Approved” appears, tap OK.

If there are any printed receipts, give the Cardholder copy to the customer.


Additional information

Customer prompts for gift card transactions